
Dschungelcamp: Nach der Prüfung kamen Sonja Zietlow die Tränen

Dschungelcamp: Nach der Prüfung kamen Sonja Zietlow die Tränen

Tag fun in Dschungelcamp der Legenden. In any case, both the Nerves and the Candidates lie blankly. Neben dem Hunger teasing is auch Schlafmangel und fehlende Privatsphäre in Busch von South Africa. If you want to earn more money, a title and the siege of 100,000 euros for your purchase.

What is the best choice for Jungle Camp members? Right, in the tests. And that day sees Thorsten Legat and Elena Miras loose, a star for his residents to play. But his heart was lost, he proposes a very good Herausforderung. That is how Moderator Sonja Zietlow is emotional.

Dschungelcamp: Prüfung wird zur Zerreisßprobe

Mittlerweile has built the Camper and the first Gruppchen have been formed. One of the exciting duos is Thorsten Legat and Elena Miras, who have a good understanding of their minutes. Kein Wunder, who has carried out the ehemalige Fußballstar-production for the postponed shin test.

+++ Ex-“Dschungelcamp”-Star shocker – “Um Himmels Willen” +++

Together I also make on the way, one of the Essen for the evening to play. When Thorsten Legat concretes, that is one of the last steps, Elena still comes before the Test of Tears. “I have reached a steep height”, said the ex-partner of Mike Heiter in an interview.

When you arrive at the Kulisse with Jan Köppen and Sonja Zietlow, the 32-year-old suddenly falls everything out of the view. Is it in the Prüfung? Of course at high altitude. The following minutes were absolutely examined by Elena Miras. Is it possible to buy?

Dschungelcamp: Tränen at Sonja

If Elena Miras knows that she is so good, she will not get into trouble. Todesmutig climbs on a platform on the next spot and lets Thorsten sail the Sterne to the bottom. Then notice man, that is a Grenzen-kommt. When you are in your mood, you can fill your heart and spray it out, that is your fear hat.

+++ Dschungelcamp höchste Gage: Enthüllt! DAS war is the highest point, it is two-snake +++

Don’t do it. If it is, it may be four years ago now that a death gap is created, but it is a great experience. Above all for Dschungelcamp-Urgestein Sonja Zietlow a moment of heredity. Prompt would like the Tränen to be gone, when Elena and Thorsten are in the fallen Arme after the Prüfung.

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RTL will broadcast the Dschungelcamp der Legenden from 20:15 on Free-TV. The jewelry follows the RTL+ advertisements that have a tag on the stream.