
Branch Manager Neuer – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Branch Manager Neuer – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Branch Manager Neuer – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Marcello Corazzola, Managing Director at Gruber Logistics (left) and Rifat Cicek

In the Turkish business community, Gruber Logistics has joined the know-how of Rifat Cicek.

Start with the development of the manager as a new branch manager and get to work on the strategy of the South Tyrolean logistics service providers in the responsible region. This soul wants to intensify the work to systematically optimize the work processes in both companies.

Considering the strategic business of the Turkish economy and the joint trade activities for international trade, Gruber Logistics Anfang 2023 expands on the Turkish market. While the centers of Rifat Cicek see the redevelopment of the companies in Turkey, especially through the Umsatzwachstum, the exodus of the teams, there are new experiences in Istanbul and Izmir.

As the Swiss, Europe and Asia gild the Turks as a turntable for the Continental cross-border trade. There is a trade volume of 20 billion dollars in the country that is managed in a global economic system. Italy, Germany and France work together with Turkey’s strong trading partners. Gruber Logistics is active in these three Volkswirtschaften with more than 40 Niederlassungen-vertreten. The traditions of the Company offer services from complete and partial transports to groupage and storage logistics in large and heavy transports, project cargo, air and sea freight.

With 30 years of experience in the logistics sector and great expertise in international human trafficking, Rifat Cicek is optimally prepared for Gruber Logistics’ ambitious presence in Turkey. „Ich plane Gruber Logistics has not yet started to establish a Turkish market and offer external services in the local economy of anchoring. Our unique philosophy is based on the best properties and plants of Niederlassungen. “I am very happy with my stay during the day – without having to worry about a long journey, without having to worry about working with new employees,” says Rifat Cic ek.

If Hauptfokus of Gruber Logistics in the Turkish economy trades in Turkey and Italy, there is a volume of around 23 million US dollars. Around 70 percent of these warehouses were logistically located on the two continents and controlled by the country. Rifat Cicek states: “Our locals can benefit from the rapid 90-year experience of Gruber Logistics in the industry. Ensure your valuable transport or logistics possibilities when offering a product portfolio with products from a single source, a kind of one-stop shop. “

This positive future forecast for Gruber Logistics in Turkey says Marcello Corazzola, Managing Director at Gruber Logistics: “As part of the global Wirtschaftswachstum, the Turk is a central bond for the cultural and economic networks. The recognition of Rifat Cicek forces the Branch Director to take a number of important measures now and to continue our expansion in the country. Through our great logistics know-how that is created by the Weiterentwicklung of this European nation.“

Photo(s): © and/oder/mit © Archiv Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung GmbH (sofern kein Hinweis vorhanden)