
The problem with the Swiss emblems on the Nati-Trikot – News

The problem with the Swiss emblems on the Nati-Trikot – News

The war first started during the war when the Swiss Ice Hockey Cracks a Star Player Nico Hischier in the Bundeshaus of Sports Minister Viola Amherd and the National Council President Eric Nussbaumer were at work. A few pictures here, a red – short, the Schweiz is the WM-Silber-Gewinner from Prague.

As sports director Lars Weibel and geschäftsführer Patrick Bloch of the Schweizer Eishockeyverband of the Schweizer Politgrössen a Nati-Trikot – a Mini-Seitenhieb?

Amherd and Nussbaumer keep the Schweizer Eishockey-Nati-Trikot informed, with Weibel (left) and Bloch (right) stehen.

They play with the Nati-Trikots: Amherd (second from left) and Nussbaumer (dritter from left) with the Eishockey-Nati-Trikots, gifts from Lars Weibel (left) and Patrick Bloch (right).

KEYSTONE/Peter Schneider

When a Tag started a trial before the Federal Administrative Court, in these three parts a combination of Schweizerkreuz and Wappenschild was created: the Schweizerwappen. Dieting from a Trikot is inherently forbidden.

Absconding – no longer for Ice Hockey

Since 2017, the new Wappenschutzgesetz in Kraft ist, which the Schweizerwappen now neither of the Eidgenossenschaft have been benützt, also of the Departments and Institutes of the Federal.

It is important that the Schweizerfahne, also the white Kreuz in the Roten Quadrat, all used, which Swissness-Voraussetzungen inherit, concrete der Bundesrat in one of the Mitteilung Ende Mai; so who is all national sports associations, and others also the Eishockey-Nati.

Team photo of SCHweizer Eishockeynati.

In July 2013 I went to Schweizer Eishockey-Nati for photo shooting. Damals completely placed the Schweizerkreuz on the Brust of the Eishoceyaner.

KEYSTONE/Steffen Schmidt

Is the battle against the Bund and Swiss ice hockey now focused on the Schweizerwappen? How everything with the new Wappenschutzgesetz, that is Ausnahmen vorsah: Bis Ende 2018 konnte beim Eidgenössischen Justiz and Police Department (EJPD) a Weiterbenützung des Schweizerwappens are offered. Voraussetzung dafür war: Das Wappen must be used unused for 30 years.

Beispielsweise hat der Schweizer Alpenclub (SAC), the Sackmesserhersteller Victorinox or the Touring Club Schweiz (TCS) een weiterbenutzungsrecht und erhalten, met Jürg Herren von Eidgenössischen Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (IGE) op Anfrage schriftlich mitteilt. The Institute, which is the EJPD, is playing in the trial against Swiss ice hockey.

Sieben Institutionen mit Schweizerwappen

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Nope ZAC, Victorinox and TCS to last…

  • der Schweizer Flugzeugeigner- und Pilotenverband AOPA
  • of the Swiss Gymnastics Association STV,
  • die Swiss Polo Association
  • and Swiss snow sports

… the legal legal issue, writes das IGE on Anfrage.

For a Solche Reuse the ice hockey association came without any infringement, when the Swiss emblems were first passed through Nati-Trikot in 2015.

Trotzdem has a Swiss ice hockey trait that makes a first choice for a first course, that is an attack. Make sure that the association «receives positive feedback and support for the coat of arms of the high command (des IGE) clearly».

The IGE widespricht. The man has “no knowledge of such benefits”, writes gentlemen. If you come from the Antrag, you must first go to the refrigerator for a few years and be carried out as soon as possible.

New Leibchen went further – and not really

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If the IGE and the Swiss ice hockey hat of the team motivate the “NZZ” alternatives for the Leibchen-vorgelegt, it is legally a wall-free goal. If the new Trikots with Swiss emblems are presented, the IGE are verwunderde gewesen. Swiss ice hockey has no sense in woolen times.

Coat of arms street in Bundesbern

In the meantime, the fight against the political Parquet is underway. FDP State Councillor Damian Müller (LU) and SP National Councillor Matthias Aebischer (BE) are setting up jewels that are one of the Bundesrats that can exercise their power. The motions demand, the Coat of Arms Protection Act is therefore suitable, the Nationalists the Swiss coat of arms used lawfully and can.

SP-Nationalrat Aebischer first dafür, now days

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One of the Motionäre, SP-Nationalrat Matthias Aebischer, appeared in the Nationalratssaal in 2013, as the total revision of the Wappenschutzgesetz all over the world. Damascus is for the Allies. Not all under war: The Gesetz wurde vom Nationalrat mit 191 zu 1 Stimmen und vom Ständerat ohne Gegenstimme angenommen.

Yes, there is a bit of holfen, das Gesetz durchzubringen, says Aebischer today. “Once you have gotten into practice, the man is first known in practice.”

“That’s because the best Schweizerinnen and Schweizer, Botschafterinnen and Botschafter der Schweiz, that Wappen do not dare to brauchen, no one wants that,” says Aebischer. A position has been taken with the Annahme der Motion von Müller.

Schn bald, namely in the autumn session, would be a political Ebene who discusses. Make sure you get the warnings of the Federal Administrative Court. Wann, it is an offense.