
Germany loves Labor in Congo zum Nachweis von Mpox

Germany loves Labor in Congo zum Nachweis von Mpox

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Germany is strengthening the strength of a new extension of the Krankheit Mpox in Africa. There is only one mobile labor that the virus has hit in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Entwicklungsministerium in Berlin shared with. If you do this, you can train more, because you recognize the symptoms of the disease and notice the treatment of preventive measures. Ready in June, the training will follow in eastern Congo.

“The African policy has bitten the Weltgemeinschaft a Help. And that Help must become a gelist,” said Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) with. There is no question of impfdosen, but of labor capitalization, logistical negotiation and advice, damn it that the affected states can stop the spread of the virus.

Failure Fund as Lehre aus der Pandemie

The Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) which walks the Mpox-Ausbrüche in Africa and a new world, offers variations in the highest alarm situations. Damit sollen Behörden in all Welt zu erhöhter Wachsamkeit was brought. The African Health Care CDC Africa verzeichnete innerhalb a Woche knapp 1,400 new Fall der Krankheit Mpox. Since the beginning of the year it has been fast 19,000 years.

“If the pandemic has created an international not-fall fund, the time will be filled with 500 million dollars,” Schulze continued. “This measure should now be used against Mpox.” In the long term, an own airborne material production in Africa is the only honest answer. Let the experts make the Klade Ib lighter when it comes to variants and to get more variety in the air.