
Suspicious of Vergewaltigung op Mallorca: Deutscher Urlauber angeklagt

A 24-year-old holiday will be a tourist-happy haven in a hotel in Magaluf on Mallorca at the end of August. The woman was advertised.

A young person Holiday in Germany is on Mallorca away from Suspects of the settlement to be celebrated. Der 24-Jährige soll in eeninem Hotel in Magaluf etwa 15 Kilometers southwest of Palma, a tourist is disgusted by those who visit the media of the Spanish Mittelmeerinsel. A Polizei-Sprecherin bestätigte auf Anfrage die Berichte.

De mutmasliche Tat soll sich demnach End of August In my opinion, both Britons believed that Badeort would be happy. Die Touristin was founded Display. Der Deutsche soll einem Haftrichter vordeführt be.

Deutscher Urlauber soll Touristin vergewaltigt haben

If you were in the middle of a commotion on the Behorden last time, it is possible to experience a Party Night in Magaluf with a friend and go for a swim young holidaymaker out Germany learned.

The young women see grim old pasts and how they can get rid of their lives, no longer in the course of 70 kilometers between Cala d’Or and the Zeit on the Zimmern of the two men.