
A counter full of sex for 8 Euro in Carinthia

A counter full of sex for 8 Euro in Carinthia

Klagenfurt (ots) –

Vom See bis zum Weinberg: Kärntens abwechslungsreiche Landschaft inspired Köche, Guestwirte and Producers for culinary Experiences. Die Vielfalt and regional lifestyle are great with the commitment to Slow Food and Nachhaltigkeit. The typical Carinthian Alpe Adria Küche is creative and seasonal, with an uncanny location in the region and beautiful landscapes.

One of the eight members of the family of the guests who have never been born, is an initiative of the Carinthian Working Group with the Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten, Sparte Gastronomie, a start-up and the Karntner Gastgeberinnen and Gastgebers started with the idea, an ACHTsamkeitsteller of the credit. With the ACHT-samkeitsteller who will discover the natural features of nature, the production, the life, the kitchen, the Wirten and the natural gegenüber of the guest. The price for the ACHTsamkeitsteller is ​​8 Euro. Every Wirt can be at the initiative to develop own creative ideas in the foreground of the nachspeisenteller, which can offer the world of the life-size mirrors.

Klaus Ehrenbrandtner, Geschäftsführer der Karnten Werbung: “wir freuen uns sehr, dass bereits eerste gastgeber bei dieser Aktion teilnehmen and wir somit ein setzen können. Karnten kan met een reichhaltigen kulinarischen Angebot voor jeden Geschmack en voor jedes Budget die passenden Gaumenfreuden. Wir wollen das augenmerk on Karinntens Gastgeberqualitäten concentrated.

Often seen and the mild climate is a hotspot for gourmets. Spitzenköche are inhabited in the extensive restaurants with fine creations. If you prefer, the traditional Wirtshaus cuisine is not finished. If you press the bottom of the kitchen floor, you can cook yourself with bread, bacon, salami, cheese, must and wine.

Janin Baumann & Christoph Überbacher from ELECTRIC GARDEN: “A ACHT-samkeitsteller is a healthy, healthy salutschüssel with the very best regional cuisine from the Karntner Firma Robitsch. It is a good idea to avoid that salatschüssel in the gastronomy of the kitchen. That will are used in secret when it comes to visiting the guests with a special culinary experience. The kitchen is a great place to eat.

Andrea Grossmann, Hotel Das Balance: “As a slowfood commitment, one of the best things we can do with our aftercare is in a large Anliegen. As a farmer, he has neglected nature and nature. That’s a good thing, because with more things and every day that has been borne out, our guests dare to live at a high level with the best products from the region.”

The promotion includes: ​​ua Renate Wrann, Seehotel Europa; Andrea Grossmann, Hotel Das Balans; Christian Cabalier, Kochwerkstatt; Thomas Jilly, Jilly Strand; Gerhard Satran, Stiftsschmiede am Ossiacher See, Matthias Spiess, Seewirt Spiess, Maltschacher See; Alexander Thoma, Badehaus Millstätter See; Janin Baumann & Christoph Überbacher vom ELECTRIC GARDEN; Igor Ogris, “Zommstehn beim Igor; Andreas Hofmayer, Rocket Rooms; Franz Unteregger, Villa Lido etc.

Press contact:

Carinthia Werbung GmbH
Iris Kuchar, BA MA
Telephone: 0463/3000 227
Email: [email protected]

Original content from: Kärnten Werbung GmbH, updated by current news
Original report: