
Grana Padano or Parmesan Cheese? – Food Monitor

Grana Padano or Parmesan Cheese? – Food Monitor

Many think Grana Padano is the perfect cheese with Parmesan. Encourage that? Or is it not possible?

Grana Padano or Parmesan Cheese? – Food Monitor
Image by lcb on Pixabay

Freshly prepared Parmesan cheese on fresh slices, with finely chopped leaves on the rucolas salad or small cheese with baguette since it was delicious. “Parmesan cheese” is the preparation of Italian heart products.

These are the general characteristics of the cheese varieties: Sowohl Parmegiano Reggiano (Parmesan cheese) as a Grana Padano comes from Italy and is grown in the best regions. The fact is that this is a DOP-Kennzeichnung. DOP opts for the “Denominazione d’Origine Protetta”, the “geschützte Herkunftsbezeichnung”. Both varieties are so great Grana-Käse. Grana comes from Italian Wort grano, das Korn. The Bezeichnung said that the repair cupboard had become a lot smaller. Besides, they are both Käsesorten in common. See the jewelry and the naming of jewelry in a consortium (manchmal auf de packungen zu lesen: Consorzio del Formaggio Parmigiano Reggiano and Consorzio per la tutela del Formaggio Grana Padano).

The products begin with the cooking of the kitchen production, for example with the milk: Parmesan cheese is prepared from the kitchen with the preparation of Parma and Reggio Emilia that are used. That lies between Milan and Bologna. The animals are especially fed grass and marrow. Silage or other nutritional food may not be fed. Also the milk for the Grana Padano comes from one of the best regions. If you want to buy a product, you can do so. The range is German larger than the production area for Parmesan cheese and grass and the cooking of silage. It changes the combination of milk, so the cheese mass begins with the Bildung von Löchern tends. If the heart function is unaffected, the pomegranate is of the lysozyme enzyme, which includes the lochbildung.

If the assortment of both dishes is unnoticed: When Grana Padano is prepared after 9 months, the Parmesan cheese can be sold for at least 12 months. Both types of assortments are usually longer and longer over the years. It is longer if you have other cheeses and it lasts on the taste.

Ob Parmesan cheese or Grana Padano – letztlich is a fragment of the personal meats and fell on the money bags. Denn Parmesan cheese is by the smaller production area, the warming and the longer reifedauer is usually teurer as Grana Padano.
