
Here you can enjoy Freitag and Saturday in the Allgäu

Here you can enjoy Freitag and Saturday in the Allgäu

Who is a Woche geschafft – Zeit the work stress hinter sich zu lassen and mal thus abzufeiern. Allgäuer Clubs offer a possible party program. Here are the party tips for Freitag (23 August) and Samstag (24 August).

All die Freitag and Samstag are for Nachteulen and Party-Tiere in Allgäu with zahlreiche Feten and. Here are the best party tips from Kempten to Obergunzburg.

Here are some highlights in the overview:

  • The Glass House in Kaufbeuren and im M1rage in Memmingen presents jewelry during a Ladies Night
  • I am Schwarzen Adler and I have chosen a Beer-Pong-Wettbewerb
  • Das Grüne Haus transforms a Karaoke-Abend
  • Free admission is available at Club Dome in Lindau and Goin in Obergünzburg

Celebrations on Freitag, on August 23:

I am Come in in Kempten steht am Freitag, a wild night on August 23. By der “Wild Night Party” Play music from the 90s, 2000s and Partysounds. DJ EightySixx will provide the appropriate music. Entry is at 23:00, entry costs 5 Euro.

I am Club Seven gibts am Freitag wieder favorable Cocktails. Ab 21 Uhr gibt es both Cocktail Night the tastiest Drinks from 6 Euro. Can (1.5 Litre) costs 17.50 Euro. Also ideal for a light-hearted night. Das Angebot starts at 9 p.m.

In the Black Cat bowls Fans of Live Music will enjoy at their expense. At 19 pm at the Innenhof des Clubs Rootsmann Fyah auf. Add a gift to the Katz.Klub pulsating Beats von Suluin Sound. Der “Summertime” started at 10pm.

I am Green house he is still running an Micro. Starting at 21 Uhr die “Karaoke night”. It’s free.

Also interesting for you:

The party highlights in Allgäu on Friday, July 5th and Saturday, July 6th. (Symbol image)

Mega-Rave, Ladies Night and Summer Vibe: Here you can enjoy yourself in the Allgäu heute and on Saturday evening

Festivities on Saturday, August 24:

There Acorns in Memmingen there are many partners available “Sound Camp” in Hawangen. The DJs BlVckfire and Ragunde heizen in a Barzelt orderly one. Release time is from 9 p.m.

Fans of HipHop, RnB and Reaggae are ready! I am Pineapple Club in Füssen DJ Avarro presents both “Black Music Night” the latest Beat der schwarzen Musikszene. Los Geht’s am 10:30 PM, Einlass ist ab 18.

I am Club Seven Party fans can start from 21 pm onwards Hits in the charts to suffer.

I am Black Eagle am Egelsee findet am Samstag ein Beer Pong Gymnastics stat. Wer mitmachen can be registered on Facebook. The Teilnahmegebühr amounts to 20 Euro. Auch Zuschauer kommen dabei auf ihre Kosten. From 10 p.m. there will be an aftershow party with techno and rave music.

From 19 pm onwards you will be able to visit immediately Club goes in Obergunzburg. The music tower and the music school can create a lot of music in the atmosphere of a wonderful atmosphere with friends and spirits – and free of charge. Under the motto “Reverse Drin & Draussen” können Besucher from 22 Uhr bei – courteous – schönem Wetter on the Open-Air-Dancefloor on Turm die Nacht zum Tag machen.

I am Glass house ist on Samstag wieder Ladies Night. I am “Cat Club” enjoy the Damen bis Mitternacht free of charge in the Kaufbeurer Nightclub. This means that you will enjoy a happy hour at the bar at midnight. Einlass is from 11 p.m. On the Tanzfläche a music mix is ​​created with active hits, Alltime Classics and the latest club sounds.

I am Come in DJ Deerly presents in Kempten “Party Beats” vom feinsten. From 23:00 onwards, the dance floor is a mix of club sounds, 2000s hits and party beats.

That M1rage in Memmingen veranstaltet eine “Ladies’ Night”. All women were free of charge in the Club lessons during the Mitternacht. Then DJ Tomich is the ideal Party-Beat.

Free Spaß können Party-Freunde im Club dome experience in Lindau. At the “Free Party” come to pay the goose evening without entry in the Club. You get a minimum price of 10 Euro. Once you get in, it is worth buying Consumations-Chips.