
InnoGames CEO Klindworth: “The fastest phase is the best”

InnoGames CEO Klindworth: “The fastest phase is the best”

InnoGames CEO and co-founder Hendrik Klindworth at Gamescom 2024 (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)
InnoGames CEO and co-founder Hendrik Klindworth at Gamescom 2024 (Photo: GamesWirtschaft)

10 years of delivery – until the InnoGames cousin of the Laufzeit Macht: Heroes of history zoll and the Milliarden-Erf Rijken’s Forge click.

It is like this: Bereits beim Exit vereinbaren Käufer and Verkäufer, after welcher Übergangsfrist those Gründer ‘ihr’ Unternehmen verlassen – only sofort after Notartermin, only after zwolf Monaten, zweilen auch first after three oder four years. The Gamescom conversation with InnoGames CEO and Gründer Hendrik Klindworth is so, if the Firm is still ‘indie’ – and not a single comment from the Swedish Spiele restorers, the so-called Modern Times Group (MTG).

He gave Klindworth together with Bruder Eike (Creative Director) and Kumpel Michael Zillmer (COO) at Herbst 2016 one of the biggest deals in German industry history. Value: 260 million euros. The trio led the Hamburger Online and Mobilegames Studio, who have been involved in the founding for 20 years – and all three are still ‘hands-on’ in the daily business. Our partner EMH Holding stops buying a MTG, which offers the E-Sports sparte ESL Gaming as the main Games entrepreneurs.

The entrepreneurs of the mother groups are less volatile as business people. Up to the record year 2020 with a proceeds of over 220 million € will go to the following location for InnoGames GmbH: Alleine das Flaggschiff Rijken’s Forge more than a million euros rehearsed since 2012. The Pandemic-‚Sonderkonjunktur’ is cashless, the result is a nuclear disaster: Unheil drie: File title change, the Performance new title who Lost survivors Look below the results.

I am Frühjahr 2023 dann die Vollbremsung: In Erwartung eines Umsatz- und Gewinnrückgangs trennt sich InnoGames “of 75 high treasures Mitarbeitern”. Or in PR jargon: “InnoGames is responsible for strategic planning”. With 350 employees, InnoGames is one of the largest employees in the industry.

Die größten Games-Studios in Deutschland 2024 (nach Mitarbeitern) - Status: August 14, 2024
Die größten Games-Studios in Deutschland 2024 (nach Mitarbeitern) – Status: August 14, 2024

Fast time for the Stellenabbau hat InnoGames einen 2-Mio.-€-Förderbescheid vom Wirtschaftsministerium für ein new Spielhalten – voor de mittlerweile eingestellte Project Heroes of fate and fortune gab es 2021 reaches 890,000 €.

Klindworth represents the circumstance that it is a very profitable company of the games-promotion-profitable: Investments are a German standard that is becoming more attractive, the plans are being improved. The title could also be ‘riskier’. With the forged PvP Tower Defense Game (planned for summer 2025), InnoGames is venturing a turbulent genre expansion of the gemütliche available strategy assortments. The working title Food fight ist Programm: Die Spieler bekriegen sich mit Chilis, Chorizos, Hamburgern und Baby-Erdbeeren – de Truppen weld themselves through In-App-Käufe.

In Cologne, InnoGames said in Business-Bereich another Neuheit, nämlich Heroes of historyen das ebenfalls hohe Erwartungen knüpft sind. The strategy game for iOS, Android and browser is combined with mechanics with 70 historical heroes – in August the Softlaunch started in major markets. Die Ansprüche an Heroes of history It’s a matter of pretending it’s a Dauerbrenner Rijken’s Forge: InnoGames plays feature films only then a chance, if you have the best chance to play, more if they are on the market for a year (successive) best price.

Der Zeitpunkt appears favorable: Klindworths has seen the gaming industry in the final phase of the gaming industry – it will be the moderation of Wachstum, from 2020 to 2021. Learn from the crisis: Discipline on all legs – against the laurels Costs, against the development and advice in Marketing. Look at the company, this is a gelungen, a few players back to work – even after 20 years of loving Browser game oldies like The Tribes nor a stabilizing Grundrauschen.

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