
Who can travel with care

Who can travel with care

Anna Wengel

August 21, 2024, 2:58 PM |
Reading time: 7 minutes

The fall of the Mpox virus in the Democratic Republic of Congo and other African countries are not there. If in the states the world gets into trouble, the virus can be affected by others. We would not know what man does if he can an ansteckung-schützen – an overblick.

At the beginning of the year, more than 500 people in Africa died of the disease Mpox. Around 19,000 people were ill in those years alone, a dem virus. Especially the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. An Australian Mpox-breitung is not included in the African continent: 26 states have joined the fall. As of 2022, a source of infection is coming from the African part of the USA, but Germany and other countries are also generally affected by the Welt affected. And the Zahlen style. Was this Mpox eigentlich? Who wants to be there? And who can be a man’s shun? TRAVEL BOOK gives a first impression.

Was it Mpox and who was it?

Mpox is an infectious disease, the Mpox Virus (MPXV) comes from the Gattung Orthopoxvirus. There are two genetically different groups, groups, and groups. Het Schreibt das Auswärtige Amt (AA) on the blessing Mpox-Übersichtsseite.

In most cases, Mpox is a “mild pain relief with minor physical damage”, heißt is dry. Dieser juckende Ausschlag trete meist im Genitalbereich und Gesicht sowie an de Hand- und Fußflächen auf. Auch Schleimhautentzündungen in Mund und Rachen also genital and rectal kämen vor. Other possible symptoms are Fieber, Kopf-, Muskel-, Hals- en Rückenschmerzen, Schüttelfrost and geschwollene Lymphknoten. Abroad, the virus can be caused by Tod führen.

In most cases, the disease becomes milder and the patients are in dens within more weeks. A life-threatening condition caused by Mpox hinges on children and people with an immunosuppressive condition. So since the 384​ deaths by Mpox in the Democratic Republic of Congo, January and May 2024, the WHO has released all 321 children in old age of a 15 years. 240 of the deceased children were in old age of one five.


The viruses can be passed from animals to humans as well. Please note that the virus infection is caused by the virus and people use the fehlwirte. You can contact the manufacturer by contacting the infection, “at the points of contact with the infection, troubleshooting or contact with the material can cause an infection”, which can be infected by AA.

Since 2022, the so-called MPXV-Klade IIb has been widespread, which was used for all sexual contacts and violations of the sexual relationship. Since 2023, the virus variant has appeared in the world in the Democratic Republic of Congo in most states. This variant is praised by AA by “a higher virus infection as through clinical treatment and a very high rate of recovery”.

A study with PCR analysis of Bläschen or Hautkrusten festivities. Antiviral drugs (Tecovirimat) are discussed by all risk groups.

Pretreatments and impregnations

The Auswärtige Amt rat, the “dealing with illnesses, their skin lesions, wounds, body fluids and respiratory tracts” are generally avoided. Smooth gel for the care and hygiene products and potentially infected layers. Also for insurance of bushmeat is shortened. AA products, foam rubber with hand wash, mask and remove a part of the device you use.

In the European Union, a Pocken-Impfstoff (Imvanex/Jynneos) has been used since 2022, while other Mpox are used. The Ständige Impfkommission (Stiko) works on the Impfung of the Robert Koch Institutes (RKI) as the best Person Groups. For one of the asymptomatic persons is 18 years after contact with an Mpox-erkrankten person, both by sexual and family contact as post-exposure prophylaxis. If you have personal medical matters, you can contact customer service, your bet etc. or work tests are accepted. For others, Persons with a erhöhten Exposures and infection risks who indications impfung are recommended. This person group is busy with the man for 18 years, the sex with men and often a steady partner, who has infection-prone personally in special laboratories. “Eine Impfung über Bevölkerungsgruppen ist, basierend on der actuellen Risiko-Nutzen-Bewertung, nicht nauwen und nicht empfohlen“, heißt es beim RKI (unchanged Status on 27.07.2022).

If you are concerned about all possible problems, falls and contacts who have identification, isolation and quarantine requirements, possibly a diagnosis of the diagnosis made that is affected by risk groups and exceeding the safety risks ibt das RKI in another Mitteilung.


Laut des RKI’s are the MPX-Viren in West and Central Africa with a wide range of possibilities. In the year 1970, the first year that humanity began, was a new month in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It has become a fall of Mpox among people in the West and South African states, among Nigeria, Kamerun, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo. New are the African states in Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya. In the year 2003, the first years of Mpox-Fall were the African party. The Mpox-Fall in the US will be used during the infizierte of Ghana, while the virus is further expanded. In 2022, the African continents has now encountered a major fall with the virus.

“Seit May 2022, we will be in different countries to continue with Africa’s fallout from travel history in bekannte Endemiegebiete registriert, darunter also in Deutschland,” writes the RKI. It is a major infectious disease. In 2023 and soon to come 2024, it is most likely that there will be infectious diseases in Germany. These people are all men, the sex with men is affected and are affected by the Klade IIb-zugeordnet. Since 2023 he has been playing Anstieg von Mpox-Fällen der Klade I in Africa and especially in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Early “Monkeypox”, also known as “Affenpocken”. officially designated by the WHO as “Mpox” since November 2022. The background is not the history of history, but the Mpox virus began in 1958 at Laboraffen in Denmark after the war, is called “World”.

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Am 14. August 2024 rief die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) aufgrund der ansteigenden Mpox-Fälle in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo anyway einer zunehmenden Zahl other afrikanischer Länder die “gesundheitliche Notlage internationaler Reichweite” (Public Health Emergency of International Concern, PHEIC) aus. WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “The creation of a new Mpox-Gruppe, ihre rapid Ausbreitung in Oostende der Democratic Republik Kongo und de Meldung von Fällen in more Nachbarländern since sehr besorgniserregend.” Laut der WHO stieg die Zahl der reportedten Fälle in de Democratic Republik congo bereits im letzten Jahr deutlich an. The active Zahlen übersteigen die Gesamtzahl aus 2023 jedoch bereits jetzt: more than 15,600 Fälle and 537 Todesfälle (Location: August 14, 2024).

However, the word of the foreign office poses “a small risk of spread outside the affected countries (…).” It was described more convincingly by the WHO in its global Mpox risk assessment of July 2024: The risk in countries that have been affected by Mpox for 2022 to 2024 is being seized. Countries that have historically been affected by Mpox, while their compatriots play a moderate role, are at risk. There is talk of a “global treatment of men, bisexual men, other men who have sex with men, transsexual and gender-diverse people who are sex workers as a moderate risk.” Moderate is the risk for the entire business operations in the African WHO region. The issue became the risks to the general financing in the Democratic Republic of Congo if it were one-sided.