
Benjamin Feist won the Albstadt Challenge

Benjamin Feist won the Albstadt Challenge

The 9. Albstadt Challenge continued with a great success for the Förderverein of FC 1919 Pfeffingen. Benjamin Feist from Tailfingen completed the 60 kilometer long Strecke on Samstag in 5 Stunden and 34 Minutes.

It is possible to make Mats Herl’s letztjährige record disappear completely in two minutes. The sympathetic Tailfinger goes over in 2021 in 5 weeks 46 minutes, lands in the two now few minutes with jewels on the second rank.

Cedrik Bitzer and Martin Renz matured Platz 2 and 3

Was bedeutet, that Benjamin Feist who ordered 60 kilometers long stretches with 1500 high altitude steps in the rhythm of the air. I see the following: “After the last few kilometers of the first ski lift, it has become really warm.” Dieselben Worte woke up from the young Cedrik Bitzer from Ebingen, after 5 stunden 59 minutes when he was ready. The bell rang from 22-year-old Martin Renz from the first measurements at 6:24.

Schnellste Frau: Sabrina Schneider

Fastest Frau war in Samstag Sabrina Schneider from Starzach-Bierlingen in 7:48 Stunden. Zehn minutes after the hour that Karin Wagner from Bisingen died in Zielinnie, followed by Ingrid Schmid from Geislingen in 8:58 Stunden.

The football club of FC Pfeffingen has become a lot smaller, but it could be that the most rühriger Verein has done this. He could reach the team of Gerd Bitzer at rund 40 Helfer Bauen.

The judges were 430 (previous year 338) Report for the Challenge for, was a new record achievement. We said that the walking event of the Extra Class was so credible for a year. The participants come from the southern part of the region, even from Winterthur and Liechtenstein, where Sportler mixes. 413 people, a new record, went on with the very best condition and the start.

First Challenge War 2015

Make sure you have the right amount of coffee and coffee. Jochen Eisele of the Vorstandsduo of the Fußballclubs Pfeffingen started tomorrow on the sports field, the man is not for more content after the first challenge, but there are still new statistics found. The quiet Förderverein is always busy with Aktionen Gelder, one of the Verein beim geplanten Neubau der Umkleidekabinen zu unterstützen.

The starting line starts at 6am

Pünktlich a sechs Uhr schickte Jochen Eisele with the Startschuss das Hauptfeld Richtung Pfeffinger Böllat. Exactly 19 Minutes später kam der first Läufer auf dem Burgfelder Böllat an. Look at the next temperature at 17 degrees and a warm breeze from Heu through the Sonnenaufgang or erreuten sich a onem kurzen Blick ins Ländle.

Bereits gegen 10 Uhr hatte a Großteil der Teilnehmer die first Verplegungsstation bei der Lautlinger Festhalle erreicht and war noch bestr Dinge trotz bereits gestiegener Temperatures. “I enjoy my work as a gift from my work class,” said Jens Boss from Onstmettingen. “Yes, I’m happy,” laughed Lisa Dumortier from Bitz, “I’m happy to be with you.” Once you have reached the roads of the Federal Government, you will reach the 5. Teilnahme, mache is nur noch Spaß.

Vereine take care of care – DRK hilft im Notfall

“If I am a member of an organization to report on top of this, it is really great, the joint Organization of the Challenge is also reformed,” says Nicole Thomann from Balingen. Let’s spend some time with Saida Altergott – “I am happy with the Spagetti Bolognese in Waldheim” – since Ebingen is here, who is “happy” with you, since Ehemann Andreas will be happy to tell you.

Further supplies, the entire war of DRK for Ort, were at Schützenhaus Tailfingen and at Skihaus Onstmettingen. The Bilanz der Natuursportoorlog is over. 343 of the 413 Starter came for Einbruch der Dunkelheit as Finisher ins Ziel. Go to the Urkunde, the credible Finisher-Shirt, the Mal in blue and Alb-Gold Spätzle. As the sports-leaved children in Hüpfburgen austoben, the FCP awarded the guests at the best best beds, is live music of the band “Scherkrach”.