
Made in Germany: Who needs a good care experience

Made in Germany: Who needs a good care experience

Geburtstunde des Qualitätssiegels “Made in Germany”

On August 23, 1887, Great Britain introduced a Kennzeichnung ausländischer Produkte fest in the Sogenannten Merchandise Marks Act. The Trademark Code is a product from Germany that contains the “Made in Germany” text. It is possible that there is a competition from British Schneidewerkzeugherstellern. You may come across nachgemachte Messer, Scheren, Feilen and Rasierklingen from Deutschland. Die Plagiarism überschwemmen den Markt. Statt Schutzzölle für deutsche Waren zu erheben, was auch der Exportnation Großbritannien damjet hatte, entscheidet man sich for theschriftzug “Made in Germany”. There are so many warnings that a major imitation is coming from Germany.

The German products have come to the end of the 1880s, nor the very best Ruf. The English also wants to be a verdeutliche consumer, it is an auslandisch product from France, Italy, Russia or Germany and it is a less good quality. The latter is lying. Buy English goods.

Ulf Morgenstern, historian

The Counteroffensive

The image of German industry is damaged, the chemical industry Richard Hartmann does not see his sister or the former industrial espionage confrontation. The Chemnitzer wollen a strategy walk: The stigma will become a quality mark. Statt lesserwertiger Were sollen Produkte mit eeninem hohen Standard produziert zijn. Is it possible that the Chemnitzer Errungenschaften would become geschützt, international nachmacht? Die Idee von Bürgermeister Wilhelm André: Ein Patentgesetz zum Schutz Nieuwe Erfindungen. Together with the Industries Werner von Siemens, André started a business in 1877 when the Gesetz zum Schutz von geistigen Innovations vom Reichstag was launched.

This Reichspatentgesetz war is a more modern Gesetz and then a Vorbild for the other Gesetzgebungen in Europe. And the Grundzüge which these Gesetztes do not have in our Patentgesetz drin.

Angela Malz, director of the Chemnitz University Library

Patent law

The plan is being picked up. German products were not pushed out of the market, some buyers acknowledge that many things that were bought from Germany were good. The German economy is flourishing dementedly, Chemnitz with its “Boomtown”. More and more patents will be applied for if it is changed by the government. A Happy End is also for the “Made in Germany” badge, that is the impulse of Chemnitz with a quality hat – and is great for good products from Germany.

The article originally appeared in 2015 and is very much in 2024.