
Ingo Appelt comes to the anniversary of the Kiwanis clubs Lienz-Ostirol

The Kiwanis Club Lienz-East Tyrol is celebrating its 30th anniversary and its feierlichen Amtsübergabe in Grandhotel Lienz, Friends of South and North Tyrol, Kärntner, Vorarlberger and Schweizer Kiwanis Clubs are friends with service clubs in the region. Former President Anton Bergmann has made a summary of the club members, who follow charity activities, club activities and the donated funds for regional Hilfsprojects. The Presidency for the Club Year 2024/2025 in Domenik Ebner. There is more than enough for the Jubiläumsjahr to give shape to the motto „Dem Fröhlichen hehört die Welt, die Sonne und das Himmelszelt“. Club secretary is Johannes Schwarzer, Peter Kontschieder works as president-elect, Schatzmeister Andreas Thor bleibt ebenfalls in Vorstand. New in the lead is Michael Krautgasser as Clubsekretär-Stellvertreter.

Three new Klubmitglieder

I am from the Feierlichkeiten where the new Mitglieder offiziell arises in the Club. He trades with Christof Schett, Wolfang Mayr and Michael Krautgasser. The highlight is the club that has gained an advantage with the German comedian Ingo Appelt. There is a program “Manner nerve grim” on May 10, 2025 in the city-states of Lienz. The kartenvorverkauf is ab sofort. Tickets are available at Kiwanis-Mitgliedern or at the citizen service of the city of Lienz in Liebburg for 29 Euro in advance. Erlös die Veranstaltung zu 100 Prozent in der Region für Kinder, Jugendliche und Familien in Notsituationen used.

The Kiwanis Club hosted a Comedy Charity Event with German TV comedian Ingo Appelt

The Kiwanis Club hosted a Comedy Charity Event with German TV comedian Ingo Appelt

© AFP / Axel Heimken