
Der Tag on in Mittwoch, August 21, 2024

Der Tag on in Mittwoch, August 21, 2024

The Flieger hob on the Teenager on Island ab. (Themenbild) The Flieger hob on the Teenager on Island ab. (Themenbild)

The Flieger hob on the Teenager on Island ab. (Themenbild)

(Photo: picture alliance / NurPhoto)

“Kinder über 14 Jahren dürfen allein reisen” – so steht es auf der Unternehmensseite der ungarischen Fluggesellschaft Wizz Air. Warum ich Ihnen was informed here at the AGB of Billig-Airline, follow jetzt: The explanation for the Fluggesellschaft offenbar auch: Young teenager can solve man problems at the airport in Australia zurüclassen. Anyone who reports to the British newspaper “Mirror” where the Junge is located on the Italian island of Zurückgelassen is in for a lucky ticket to the Flug besaß. I would like to inform you that the message will be followed, but that is not the place on the Board of the Flugzeugs. The Vorfall is soll itself am honorary 10 august haben. The young island names Alfred war dem Bericht would start together with a few young people and an adult on a fechtausflug in Italy. It is solved back to Reykjavik come. Adult companions stand for the choice: the youth fly alone and with Alfred back or the 14-year-olds back at the gate. If you are on the phone with your mother, take a look at the following variation. Dying Mumble there are plenty of Vorwürfe to the airline. “If you do absolutely nothing, um ihm zu helfen,” says Mother of the Leaf. “I think it’s a big fear. I think it’s a question of something, it will be carefree and good.”

Glück im Unglück for the teenager: A few, the ebenfalls of the flight were reached, came to the young, that is another airline to home flights can. At Wizz Air it is not going so well first a Flug a Woche später. An airline that deals with the previous confrontation war looks at the change and the conditions of the airline. It is said: “It may be that the passengers are affected by the unacceptable entschuldigen and the überprüfen of the internal situation.”