
Climate benefits Health: Lancet-Mericht for milliardenschwere Umverteilung

Climate benefits Health: Lancet-Mericht for milliardenschwere Umverteilung

The active Lancet Countdown Report 2023 said with alarming events, how the climbing walk saddens the general well-being. Bereits zum consideren Mal documents the message, who die themselves Reinforcing negative consequences for human functioning and the healthy system under pressure.

They are of great benefit to health care indicators that help protect the health of the highest levels. Klimabedingte Extremereignisse who Hitzewellen and Durren have exceeded the Rekordmarken by 2023.

“This is an end-to-end warning and power, which means that global and political concerns about the environmental impact of climate change have been strengthened,” said epidemiologist Joacim Rocklöv from the University of Heidelberg. Mitautor des Lancet-Reports. “The time of adaptation and continued investments in fossil fuels will be negative for the prosperity of development – and they became neither smarter.

Unsichere Ernährung at 150 Millionen Menschen

Key factors of messages are the enormously more extreme Wetterereignisse. 2023 were people who lived through 50 days of extreme temperatures, which were not affected by the warm weather. Quickly die half of the global landfläche – a bisher zweithöchster Wert – war affected by Dürre. This Häufung führte dazu, that’s 151 Millions of People with more than enough health benefits, verglichen met dem Zeitraum from 1981 to 2010.

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Climate conditions Extreme Reignisse who Hitzewellen and Durren have exceeded the Rekordmarken by 2023.

© dpa/Patrick Pleul

For this background information about the German message Kritik an Regierungen und Unternehmenthe trotz des Wissens is one of the people who continue to invest in fossil energy. If there is no longer any energy output, there may be an urgent need for internal adjustments, an excessive burden is caused by your words.

The Lancet Message focuses on the financial situation in which a global energy transition and net-zero emissions occur. However, billions of US dollars were spent in fossil fuels resulting in a climate-friendly transformation, thus driving the car. These investments hinder the development of energy supply investments, which are separated from the global community that can be financed.

Die Studie furthers daher a Neuorientierung des Finanzsystems, a means of fossil energies that provide emission-free alternatives. The authorization has only just begun: there is not yet a poor air and water supply, which constitutes an uninterrupted source of financing, but purchases a nachhaltige Arbeitsplätze.

Emissions Vermeidung and Klimaanpassung

“These climate change initiatives have been based on positive results,” says the Agriculture Officer Hermann Lotze-Campen, Leiter des Klimaresilienz am Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) and Mitautor de s LCD24 Policy Brief . “Emission control and climate control were also thought to be the same.”

The Deutsche Allianz Klimawandel en Gesundheit (KLUG) have collaborated with the Thinktank Center for Planetary Health Policy (CPHP) and other partners who have read their message about the policy Kort LCD24 veröffentlicht. Darin became the message for the German context and gave handlungsempfehlungen a political Entscheidungsträger.

The Ausbau energy flow does not go beyond the Treibhausgas emissions, er It also reduces air pollution and improves health. “Solar panels are no longer green, they can damage the heat and everything in the city,” says Lotze-Campen.

A grim building base Ernährung see the most important Hebel, um Emissions in the agricultural and agricultural sector zu senken. „Gleichzeitig hat some Ernährungsweise positive Gesundheitswirkungen, and sie kann fur more Vielfalt auf the Äckern sogen, was also that Anpassung an extreme Wetter-Ereignisse bessert.“