
“If it’s a renovation, it’s worth it,” says judge Joëlle Roy

“If it’s a renovation, it’s worth it,” says judge Joëlle Roy

Judge Joëlle Roy, who has compared the subject of two defendants and the ethics of the proposals over time to the Montreal courthouse, has asked the committee of the Council of the Magistrates of Quebec to award the case and délibéré.

The Committee for Investigation and Ethics, chaired by Judge Julie Veilleux, decided to reprimand the magistrate of the Cour du Québec to give a reprimand to proposals sensitive to the avoidance of reserves and sérénité.

If you decide on the judge’s proposal, it is nature that avoids my trust in the public with the legal system.

Two complaints about the formulas against the judge. One of the citizens and the author of Me Sophie Lamarre, deputy director of the Director of Criminal and Penal Services (DPCP).

A response directly in the store