
Holpriger Start for new Fernradweg

Holpriger Start for new Fernradweg

With the Ciclovia (Radweg) Alpe-Adria from Salzburg to Grado and the Weitwanderweg Alpe-Adria-Trail from Großglockner and the Adria-zeichnen are prepared for two popular projects responsible: Christian Kresse, chef of the Carinthia-Werbung and now Unternehmer , in common with the “Trail Angels” by Günter Mussnig.

Now this is another Fernradweg, that narrow through the East and South Austria, a “Vorzeigeprojekt in European Radtourismus”. Die Reise soll Radfahrer durch fünf Bundesländer führen: von Wien über Eisenstadt after Graz and Klagenfurt. We say that Villach will get the chance to travel to Grado an der Adria Fortzusetzen. The name of the Radweg is almost linked to the Südbahn with the title “Meridiem-Trail”, also called “Süd-Weg”.

“A lighthouse project”

From Wien to Graz the Konzept could use the Radweg that was created, while the Trasse von Graz was resolved after Klagenfurt. Grundsätzlich can use the infrastructure here, it is a different kind of painting and bewirtschaftung des fernradwegs “with individual and modular shapes Angeboten and Services”. The concept has been started for years, so Kresse op Nachfrage – bislang met mäßigem Erfolg: Es fehle bisher an der Bereitschaft, de Radweg auch tatsächlich bis zur Eröffnung des Koralmtunnels umzusetzen, says Kresse. In Styria a man is neither a partner nor in Carinthia a strong Fortschritte. That’s the end of the story: Mind the last 50,000 guests during the year 2026, it’s possible. “The Meridiem Trail was a lighthouse project for more Bundesländer.”

Entrepreneur Christian Kresse

Entrepreneur Christian Kresse

© Markus Traussnig

“Thinking together on the road and cycle”

With the development of the Koralmbahn Ende 2025 and the Semmering Base Tunnels 2030, there will be new perspectives for travel in the East and the South of Austria. “And heavy in both directions.” Bahnstrecke and Radnetz must have been “thought in common”. Laut de ÖBB became the Radtransport that started working when it started. It is a plant that makes the traffic travel through the Koralm tunnel in Graz and Klagenfurt in a fantastic way. In a Railjet new generation the Platz für fünf bis its Fahrräder.