
US-Cardinal promotes national unity with Democrats-Parteitag

US-Cardinal promotes national unity with Democrats-Parteitag

The Erzbischof Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, has stopped injustice in the US and taken the time for a national revival. The media reports of the Cardinal’s Mittwoch rief in the Rede am Eröffnungsabend (Montag) of the Parteitags der Democraten in Chicago said that “the American American Internet is new”. The land is a nation, “which is based on all the people and cultures that are present and not due to the blood pressure, and that the sense of life, freedom, justice and the freedom of society is united”.

Every Generation is excited, this search has begun. That is so, so Cupich, “when one of us would use the Representatives, who would be unjust in our national lives, insondere jene, die of moral blindness and of fear for the other people”. The waiter separates from Frieden in the world, for everything “for the man, who under the sin of the Krieges Leiden”, and ermutigte a robbery of the father of Franziskus, Träume and Visionen zu haben. If there is a man who acts, then the construction of the Gemeinwohls is worth it, the castle of Kardinal.

The Democratic Party is a party leader of Kamala Harris who is nominated as a presidential candidate for the Wahl in November. If you participate in Chicago, there is a German regulation for delegations. Criticism of Cardinal and his exit at the Democrats cam from conservative page. Pro-Life organizations are criticized by the leaders who have lost the chance, the politics of the Democrats in society with the certainty of their conviction. (mtr)