
Auftaktspiel in Hagen: HSC fiebert Zweitligastart entgegen – HSC Coburg

Auftaktspiel in Hagen: HSC fiebert Zweitligastart entgegen – HSC Coburg

The kitchen of the Schinderei is a matter of time. Am free to play in the 2nd Handball Bundesliga. With dabei: der HSC 2000 Coburg. The team from Vestestadt has started the run of the Sechster and starts the new season with the ambition to gain a place among the top of the city. Vieles is new in Team der Coburger: Coach, a professional, Spielidee. Whoever the handball player in Gelb and Schwarz de Vorstellungen von Anel Mahmutefendic, 46, knows about, wants to re-enact himself at Freitag at 7.30 pm at VfL Eintracht Hagen. This concerns the HSC signals Auftakt.