
Online utilities such as health information on YouTube

Online utilities such as health information on YouTube

If people on the net have the general information about wool information, most people can watch on the video platform YouTube. That is the Social Media Atlas 2024, when the Hamburger Kommunikationsberatung PER Agency and the market research organization Toluna in cooperation with the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF) continued. For the period from January to February 2024, 3,500 German internet users are fragmented online at 16 years.

They are in the past and in themselves Monaten die Google-Plattform mit 29 Prozent am häufigsten angesteuert, um über Therapieformen,
Medizin products or drug information. The experience of 2023 is the result of four production points (2023: 25 %). 23 Prozent der Online-User grifen zur Informationssuche auf Online-Nchrichten etwa von Zeitungen und Unternehmen zurück (2023: 18 %). Close to the following Zeitschrifts und Zeitungen with 22 Prozent (2023: 18 %) and das linear TV with 21 Prozent (2023: 16 %). Facebook and WhatsApp have been available for 20 years as an information channel for generating company products. We can find more information about Instagram (18%), TikTok (16%) and radio (15%).

YouTube beeinflusst Kaufentscheidungen am meisten

When purchasing social media platforms, there are classic media channels on a roll. You can find internet nutzers in Germany if you use a therapeutic form, a drug product or a drug with Hilfe on YouTube. Although Prozent davon taten all dies in the inner half of the decays and their own Monate, they proszent for more than their own Monaten. Hinter YouTube platzieren sich Facebook, das Klassische Fernsehen und Zeitschrift/Zeitungen mit jeweils 14 Prozent der Nennungen. 13 Prozent der Verbraucher lassen sich von WhatsApp und Online-Portale wie Zeitungen und Unternehmen zum Kauf von Gesundheitsprodukten move. Weitere Medienkanalle, de Kaufentscheidung beeinfussen, since Instagram and Foren (jeweils 12%), TikTok (10%) and Radio (9%).

Laut Social-Media-Atlas 2024 is your first Internet user with the help of YouTube for healthy products and services – Graphics: PER Agency

Ein influencen influencen Kaufentscheidungen nimmt insgesamt ab

The employer’s influence is expected to be influenced: I am a source of content creators in the field of online marketing, eight products at 29 percent (2023: 37%). This would be at a higher level in 2022, as 27 percent of consumers at Purchase of Products Blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer of “Social Media Celebrities” inspiring. The big einfluss on Purchase divorces was in 2024 YouTuber and Instagrammer at 29, Blogger at 22 percent.

The influence of influencer on purchase decisions can no longer take place with the change of the online consumer. Where 62 percent of Generation Z (16 to 29 years old) have purchased a product or received a service in Anspruch, who have become Instagrammers, since Generation Y (30 to 44 years old) 40 percent and among Generation X (45 to 59 years old) eleven percent. The light is the influence of influencer in the Soul Group of Silver Surfer (60 years ago), which now has three percent on recommendations from Instagram people.

Influencer employees for beauty products among young users and meaning

In general, the influencer has a greater influence if he is a buyer of fashion, clothing and accessories. With 24 percent, the number of comments that are heard here on recommendations has remained the same throughout 2023. 20 percent find themselves most conveniently in the product range of cosmetics, beauty, body care from influencers and that it is pleasantly surprised in 2023, in the food and food category it is 21 percent (2023: 17 %). In the sports and wellness segment, 14 products of the company come from a company that has exerted an influence.

For young Nutzern (16 to 29 years) you play Influencer-Empfehlungen at Kosmetik, Beauty and Körperpflege zunehmend a major Rolle (2023: 30 %). The large stream of current from the Kaufentscheidungen in this Zielgroep has Social-Media-Stars – wie beim Gesamtpublikum – in the Bereich Fashion, Clothing and Accessories (45 %) in Essen and Lebensmittel (32 %).

“Without a general discussion about the e-influences of influencer: within the purchase decisions, the gold for the company products”, says Roland Heintze, managing director of the PER Agency. “The number of influencers has increased significantly in recent years, was a dominant influence on the market. This large number of opinions and recommendations is for consumers to find more persuasive, authentic and trustworthy recommendations.”

They are therefore consumers who are more skeptical about their experiences. Heintze führt aus: “Viele Menschen since sich der Tatsache bewusst, dass Influencer für die Bewerbung von Producten bezahlt, was de Glaubwürdigkeit ihrer Empfehlungen beeinträchtigen kann.” The manager has heard a lot from Skandale and Kontroversen an Influencer, which the Vertrauen in these Persönlichkeiten have not seized. Heintze ergänzt: “Ein Verlust an Glaubwürdigkeit and Authentizität will flow directly to your Fähigkeit aus, Kaufentscheidungen zu beeinfussen.”

Before these pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical companies can make a strong separation by influencing the quality of the partnerships, they can no longer be properly influenced “ät und Glaubwürdigkeit”, explained by the responsible. Um these critical analyses believe that an AI-stimulated analysis can be an analysis of the manager.

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