
Scholz über Job-Prämie: „Aber damen tut es auch nicht weiter“

Scholz über Job-Prämie: „Aber damen tut es auch nicht weiter“

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is skeptical about the installation of “Anschubprämie” for long-term stain loss in Job-Aufnahme use. “I personally believe that the theory is a good one, that is the reason why you are working hard,” said the SPD politician in the broadcast “RTL Direkt spezial – Am Tisch mit Olaf Scholz”, which would be resolved here. “We are happy, since all our work is born.” It seems that it is not the case that the Kanzler is an end. “Deshalb ist die Frage: Wie kriegen wir das geändert?”

Die planted Prämie von 1,000 Euro voor een jobaufnahme nutze “vielleicht nicht”, says Scholz. „Aber harmen tut es nicht weiter.“ Of course, there are now some people who are entitled to go tomorrow and not get a prize.

Use an “Anschubprämie” for this Function-Aufnahme

Das Kabinett has a wide variety of schemes for Bürgergeld-Empfängerinnen and -Empfänger-beschlossen. If you can appeal to go bald with higher penalties. The rules are based on sole financial financing. Long-term loss, the more time to save money in a socially responsible work environment, will eventually cost 1000 Euro.

Die Regelung soll zum 1. January 2025 in Kraft paper. As soon as the Ampel Coalition has received the criticism, this is a fact. On the concrete of a Regierungssprecherin aber, the Federal Government became a plänenfesthalten.

Scholz: Border control machen “gerade fell Ärger”

In the broadcast “RTL Direkt spezial – Am Tisch mit Olaf Scholz” the Bundeskanzler is mentioned in such a way that the controls and the German Borders will take so long that they will be resolved. “Wir machen das so long, wie dat geht. And that is a long signal,” so Scholz. There is a problem that controls “gerade fell Ärger” powers.

On September 16, a number of German Borders contact roles were carried out, one of Zahl’s inadvertent trips. Neu sind die Kontrollen and the Land borders of Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. At the border of France, the roads of the Olympic Games go to the end of the month of July for the control roles. The borders of Poland, the Czech Republic, Österreich and Switzerland have longer control. The separation in the Nachbarländer causes irritations.