
The Irrwege are super talents

The Irrwege are super talents

Laura Hütter
Laura Hütter

In the summer of 2019, Joao Félix played a great Zukunft with the Versprechen at Atlético Madrid. A few years later, the last abolition of one of the heute glücklose Wandervogels followed.

In the video shown in the best way during the summer of 2019, Joao Félix cries along the educational corridor of Madrid’s Museo del Prado. One of the things a work of art does is make a promise for a long time. “For 200 years, the Prado Museum has housed enormous talents,” he said in this video, which Atlético Madrid in Summer 2019 will be released.

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And the word “Willkommen Joao Félix” was developed, which dared to say “pure talent”.

Felix before leaving for Chelsea

If you watch the other clip, in the museum of the museum there is a free anniversary, a German botschaft that recognizes: the 19 year old offensive struggle is a great talent, with such a reduced ballership, that in museums ausgestellt werden könnten .

Spätestens jetzt, fun Jahre später, muss Atlético seine Hofnungen buryen, dass Félix sein Talent in Trikot der Rojiblancos noch zeizen wird. The Mittwoch’s 24th anniversary at FC Chelsea. The English history is a sum of 50 million euros for the Portuguese service – the Madrilenians are worth 127 million euros.

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Felix came with his great progress, but he might have been traded for the ‘new Cristiano Ronaldo’.

The chance that the Wechsels are in the Spanish Zeitungen falls Euphorie. “Atlético Madrid requires an artist” was the title Branddie ALS In other words, Félix “engraved an entire era at Atlético”.

Felix couldn’t be athletic or do crazy things

If Antoine Griezmann thought about the summer of FC Barcelona, ​​then Atlético’s record transfer sport would be of little use.

A year later a war started with part of the Euphoria dying away. „Die sieben Todsünden des Joao Félix“, stand in der Überschrift eines Artikels der Brandthe storm jewel egoism is looming. When you are in the Strafraum and the Ball-käme, it is so that the criticism is so. Damals does not hit Simeone and Geduld.

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Do this in the next Spielzeiten-zeigte der Portuguese signal Potenzial zu selten. “Joao Félix, drei Jahre des Wartens”, stand in der Überschrift eines Artikels in der ALSder von dem bis dato roads Verletzungen and Unbeständigkeit glücklosen Félix more Konstanz forderte. Aber auch in seiner celebrated Saison in the Spanish Hauptstadt, depending on the Durchbruch nicht.

Sein Verhältnis zu Simeone galt three years after seinem Wechsel als zerrüttet. Grund dafür: Atléticos Trainer ließ Félix wohl unter Schmerzen games and würdigte anschließend dessen Leistungen nicht entsprechend. Auch von Mobbing war die Rede.

In January 2023, Leihe joined Chelsea.

Story with Simeone zerrüttet

“Atlético’s frustrated artists Joao Félix misses the country, but they are not without their best wishes,” wrote the letter The guard about the transfer and further: “After four years, the talent remains unfulfilled, the art continues to grow.” Auch in England, the Erwartungen could not inherit anything. In 20 Einsätzen gelangen ihm four Tore.

A new Leihe will follow, that of Barcelona. “I would like to join Barca. If there was ever a tragedy, there was a child, how the offensive game itself plays out in the Vorfeld des Wechsels.

A year later it was the turn of the Rückkehr after Chelsea.

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One of the many talents in football is not as good as a Top-Klub continues, which is a good thing. Stattdessen work at Félix and a Wandervogel, who in his younger years enters a number of stations with a Vita Stehen hat.

Geling at Chelsea der Neuanfang?

In the middle of the world, the knowledge of the Portuguese could not increase the potential (yet). It is the last of the 127 million euros that has been written, after he has done the last convulsion on Simeones Atletico.

If you want to play the game yourself, you can put the blame on the next page. Die Brand wrote zum Abschied: „Was a Reihe von Toren, Erfolgen und Darbietungen auf dem Spielfeld zu be versprach, ended als een Quelle von Problemen aufgrund seiner mangelnden Anpassung, seiner fehlenden Kontinuität, seines Ärgers with the Trainern, seiner Botschaften and die Tribüne oder eines Niveaus , that is the reason for the erwartungen entfernt war.”

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The end of the abolition from Madrid began at 24 years old now the chance of a new moment. There has never been a young person, one of the things you have to do.