
The new cultural season in Ehingen begins

The new cultural season in Ehingen begins

Let’s see you on September 27th with the playwright Gesine Cukrowski in the role of Astrid Lindgren. In the Stück “Ich bin Astrid aus Småland” you can see the moving biography of the Swedish car journey. Accompanied by Libor Síma’s own monologue by its own composer Live-Musik.

On October 22, the Zuschauer ein Spaß for the whole family: The Landesbühne Esslingen presents “The Blues Brothers – a Road Trip through the Land” as a Swabian musical performance.

With a bidding comedy it becomes 15. November further: “status quo” by Maja Zade threatens the real power relationship. The object of desire and of discriminative power – in a job with a private life – is here the man. Women dominate the everyday speech, men receive compliments for their appearance, experience sexism and abuse of power. At the same time, the leading character Flo plays in the world of women: at the drugstore, in the real estate agent and in the theater.

The festival will take place on January 11. The Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz, which is part of the Herbst Bodensee Philharmonie, is looking for a spectacular start to the new year under the leadership of the new chef Gabriel Venzago.

The family was happy and happy, and the show “Things that I am very happy” was February 8 with healthy melancholy and a fine sense of humor. The Australian dramaturge Andrew Bovell played the disinterested images of the family – unsentimental, submissive and praised.

Film art on stage began at the age of 19. März with the moving and uninterrupted gesellschaftsstück “Miss Daisy and his chauffeur”. The leading roles are played by the actors Doris Kunstmann and Ron Williams.

On April 24th there will be a tribute to the King of Pop. The Europaballett St. Pölten said “Moonwalk – The King of Pop” in a choreography by Peter Breuer, of 2015 with the German Tanzpreis was awarded. The Energie and Leidenschaft Michael Jacksons were interpreted and interpreted by a Vielzahl von Tanzstilen.

When Bonbon takes care of the Kulturamt on May 15, the Opernband THE CAST will appear with its program „No Limits“. The virtuoso vocal artists guarantee pure zest for life and playfulness. Leiden and Unterhaltsam the Band will present other songs and Arien auf neue Weise. „No Limits“ is a question of operating and everything that is not wanted.

Information, Tickets and Subscriptions are available at Kulturamt Ehingen, Spitalstraße 30, telephone 07391/503503. Der Vorverkauf läuft über die Tourist-Info im Rathaus, Marktplatz 1, Ehingen, look online under and