
Duschen, Essen, Atmen: When Sport increases health

Duschen, Essen, Atmen: When Sport increases health

If Sporttreiben accepts general health

Frontalangriff on the Epithelbarrieren: Ein Jogger im Smog, founded in Shanghai.

Is it possible that you suffer more from asthma during sports and sports lessons? What sports activities can be performed? And was everything that had to do with the Zellschichten and the Oberflächen of Organen, the Epithelbarrieren? Thieves and other fragments of Davos Sports physician Walter Kistler works together with medicaments and caregivers from the Swiss Institutes for Allergy and Asthma Therapy in Davos, who more sports after. The result is in the new study «The Epithelial Barrier Theory in the Fight against Intake and Environmental Burden in Athletes» suggested.