
Athlete stirs in his home

Athlete stirs in his home

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Former Venezuelan cyclist and Olympian Daniela Larreal has passed away. The 50-year-old has remained in Essen for a lifetime.

Las Vegas – Daniela Larreal plays in her sports life. Who appointed Daniel, is the woman from the Venezuelan Maracaibo who enters the sports sport and moves in the family of his father. Now is the national sport from South America with 50 years of death. The part of the Venezuelan Radsportverband under Vorsitz von Eliezer Rojas mit.

Frühere Olympionikin is no longer active

Journalists Ibrahim López worked with Daniela Larreal Mittlerweile in a hotel in the US. See it Montag (August 12) if you are missing signal. Fox Sport messageet dies about the übereinstimmend and writes außerdem, that Arbeitskollegen the Polizei have gerufen haben sollen. The first-time sports enthusiasts were active on Friday (August 16) in their living quarters. At the Todesursache it is a “Erstickung durch in ihrer Luftröhre gefundene Reste fester Nahrung” trade.

The Bahnradfahrerin from 1992 in Barcelona to 2012 in London and the Olympic Games of 2012. Two Gold and a Silver medal came in 2002 during the South American Meisterschaften in San Salvador. The war started during the American Pan-American feature film 2003 in Santo Domingo. It is really so that the most common sports teachers of the Venezuelan sports history.

Athlete stirs in his home
The Sportwelt is Daniela Larreal. © image/Bürhaus

Tote Olympia cyclist remained in exile in the US

Daniela Larreal has to live in exile in the US, as she went to X for the first presidential elections in the United States in 2013 and her sister enjoyed the corruption in the Venezuelan Radsportverband, which made an interview with an interview in 2016 The New Herald to understand gab. In the next war that takes place in the Heimatland, the war in the USA is expanded and the sport as an athlete will enter the battle as an Uber-Driver, among other things.

Trotz der vermeintlich schwierigen Beziehung ehrte der venezuelan Radsportverband seine veldleicht great Sportlerin via Instagram. “Daniela was never a master of sport, but found a symbol for Ausdauer, Hingabe and Leidenschaft for sport. (…) Ihr Vermächtnis wird in der Geschichte des Venezuelan Radsports fortbestehen“, this is in the statement. An Olympionikin from Paris made an Unfall mistake, most German damage in love. (jsk)