
NATO begins with the Verteidigung mit Atomwaffen Von dpa-AFX

NATO begins with the Verteidigung mit Atomwaffen Von dpa-AFX

BRÜSSEL (dpa-AFX) – Within a few years that month, NATO started the Verteidigung des Bundnisgebiets with Atomwaffen. One of the “Steadfast Noons” was deployed at the headquarters in Brussels in the course of 2,000 soldiers from eight Luftwaffenstützpunkt. At the Manövern in the Luft I would train more than 60 Flugzeugen. Darunter since modern Kampfjets, die in der Lage Sind, in Europa stationierte US-Atombomben zu transportieren, Longstreckenbomber, aber auch Uberwachungs- and Tankflugzeuge.

The Schauplatz des Manövers is one of the many years-long Luftwaffenstützpunkte in Belgium and the Lower Countries, located in the Luftraum in Great Britain, Denmark and the Nordsee. Air traffic control comes from 13 NATO States, in Germany.

NATO: Maneuver is not a response to Russian Angriffskrieg

The NATO concrete, the “Steadfast Noon” response to the Russian Angriffskrieg is that Ukraine is a small group of Waffen zum Einsatz kämen. Dennoch will receive the clear signal that Moscow has sent, NATO in the trap of the fall is prepared that the nuclear weapons weapons have achieved a distorted goal.

“The nuclear breakdown is the foundation of the Security of Allianz (ETR:)”, NATO General General Mark Rutte has started his maneuvers. “Steadfast Noon” sent a clear Botschaft en jeden Gegner: That Nato became all Verbündeten schützen and veridigen.

Übungsflüge ohne Bomben

Zum Übungsszenario und zu Details might NATO without Angaben. Military experts follow the regularity in the October statistics, which the US Atomic Defense Forces transport from the German Air Forces and mount them among the Kampfjets. If the airflow occurs, the bomb can be flown.

NATO’s nuclear weapons should be stationed in Europe in the US Atomic Waffen in Ernstfall by the Forces of Partner States and then their policy will be expanded. US-Atomwaffen has carried out an official mission in Northern Italy, in Belgium in the Lower Countries and in the Rhineland-Palatinate Büchel Lagern. The Bundeswehr plays with other Tornado-Jets and the “Steadfast Noon” flight.