
Berlin after Unicredit offer for a shock and a dilemma

Berlin after Unicredit offer for a shock and a dilemma

With the Italian Griff on the big Privatbank hat in Germany, no one was judged. Jetzt ist der Schock in Berlin und Frankfurt scheinbar ebenso gross wie de Ratlosigkeit.

Frankfurt Headquarters of Commerzbank: Everyday seems normal, but the bank may be in shock.

Frankfurt Headquarters of Commerzbank: Everyday seems normal, but the bank may be in shock.

Michael Probst / AP

In the night of Midtwoch vergangener Woche glüht wörtlich the telephony between Berlin and Frankfurt. If the war is clear, it is worth starting a commercial banking business that has the Bund in an unreliable state and for all an uncontroversial change of direction. If the war starts, there is talk of spät.

The Bundesregierung is a representative of the Italian investment bank, which has received more credits, which will never be again. Now Unicredit is catching up with the Commerzbank – the life of the Commerzbank en masse in Berlin and in a dilemma.

Since years of interest in the commercial bank

In the financial market and the fact that the international interest in the commercial bank can last for many years. You can take the name of all Unicredit and the French BNP Paribas. Anyway, what Unicredit consultant Andrea Orcel has done over the years in the Chancellery and the Finance Ministry is a package of Bundes of 16.49 percent that is still not on the state bank of the commercial bank. There are lightning-fast warnings ab.

A few years later, the new Bundesregierung can buy a package of $ 4.49 a few years ago, a few things you need to buy. The Unicredit überbot in a crime and neutrals Verfahren all others Bieter and sich das ganze Paket voor een läppischen Aufpreis van knapp 5 Prozent auf de Schlusskurs vom Dienstagabend.

If the Italian still has the summer on the market, the commercial bank title is kaufgen nun über 9.2 Prozent der Aktien (7.3 Prozent direkt and 1.9 Prozent über Derivate) and is damned after the Bund ( nor 12 Prozent) der zweitgrösste Anteilseigner.

These things are only slightly prevented if the Bund eliminates a block sale and now contains a package of 0.5 or 1 percent sold products. The problem is not fair. Do with a Zugriff from Italy or France that has never been rechnet. “Das war naiv”, share Beobachter. The action in Berlin and Frankfurt may not have been so feindlicher, but still ended as an unsatisfactory action, wenngleich Orcel was so happy, the woman would glätten.

It’s a matter of Orcel which is the best option

If in the Swiss UBS-Vergangenheit the Italian company gets such a “Handelsblatt” for an interview, one of the experiences that is spread with the German public. The Unicredit has paid for the round 9 Percent 1.5 billion euros, want to conceive a good investment and conceive more for the Stakeholder buy, also for Actions, Customers and Employees. Or lies when Zweifel says that there is in one of the best options the best choice, lies are the hints of one of the trading activities.

Unicredit has shares on the German market with the mortgage bank (HVB) and the Italian bank has earned for 20 years. Dadurch has given the Unicredit angestossene transaction a national and international character.

Make sure that the direction is set: the Commerzbank-Geschäft has more potential and many investment loans, and the Polish Commerzbank-Tochter mBank has more capital for its Wachstum. The management has never made so much money when the commercial bank became more profitable and the Bilanz was more robust. The equity of the Munich HVB has doubled that of the Frankfurter Bank.

Auf dem Papier Pass Commerzbank und HVB nicht schlecht zuammen. Where the Commerzbank operates in Germany, the HVB in the Schwerpunkt in southern Germany and in Hamburg, woman in 2005, has become the Vereins and Westbank organization. Insofern gibt is beim Filialnetz deutlich weniger Überschneidungen als een zwischen der Commerzbank und der Deutschen Bank. This German Fusion is one of the most important things that can be done for a year.

You can concentrate on the commercial bank in the area of ​​private and business administration, which the HVB does not want to help further in the Investment Banking activity. Also Orcel concrete the small excess of the two institutes. Synergy is a way to do everything in the Central Functions, between the IT and the technology at the Branches. The branch Verdi and Mitarbeitervertreter warn of a Kahlschlag and want the vast majority of the unhindered hindrance.

Aktion is a positive transaction

A stock exchange that starts on Unicredit day. If the commercial bank of the commercial bank has established a 23-year-old company, the Unicredit company becomes longer than 3 percent. If you want to carry out the action on the Italian institute, you can appeal to the plant food.

The financial analysis of investment bank Keefe, Bruyette & Woods writes, Unicredit has booked a strong increase in costs and an optimization of risk weights at HVB, so that a profitability is possible, whereby the net profit becomes as large as the commercial bank. If Unicredit has financed a fund, other German banks can also function.

The deal is quickly made and is one of the bankers of the EZB in the underlying business activities. The action can give a hint of the idea and the view of the bank, but it will not be grund, but it is not possible. Unicredit has a smart Schachzug power received. The bank with the financial sector of the HVB has the market on the German market and with an integration gesammelt.

Other observers of the transaction are the opinion of Ball, the feudal lord in Berlin. The Unicredit bank has no longer enabled the Commerzbank to finance the will of the Regie administration.

Sollte Berlin einwilligen, ich dem Vorstand der Commerzbank dem beugen, wenngleich of the Vorsitzende Manfred Knof lieber would follow his own strategy, which this Woche am Rand a Veranstaltung in the German Hauptstadt says.

The president of the German Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, is a neutral party who defends all Aktions activities, so that they now have the Unicredit status. If you are aware of the paritätische occupation in Germany, the Mitarbeitervertreters are probably in the Zwickmühle in Berlin.

A signal for the financing of the banking union

The German Regie has solved the dilemma, but it is worth making a fortschritte at the banking and capital market union in the EU, one of the efficiency of the European financial markets will be expanded. While one of the new big torpedoes of the borderless world torpedo, now that the largest German Privatbank falls into the hands of the big Italian Bank, the Chancellor’s Office and the Finance Ministry are a strong loser of the large debt burden.

After the Deutschen Bank, the genossenschaftlichen DZ Bank and the state-owned bank KfW on the Bilanzsumme, the Commerzbank is number four on the German banking market. Zusammen mit der Hypovereinsbank würde man Platz zwei matured (siehetafelle).

There is no war going on between the commercial bankers and Manfred's bankers and the financing of the financing in February 2023 as the Rückkehr Institute in the Deutschen Aktienindex (DAX).

There is no war going on between the commercial bankers and Manfred’s bankers and the financing of the financing in February 2023 as the Rückkehr Institute in the Deutschen Aktienindex (DAX).

Kai Pfaffenbach / Reuters

Europe has had an inefficient banking function for years, but it is still so unimportant that the institution has taken over and operates in a crisis position to politically control cross-border transactions from larger banks.

It comes straight from the free capital flows and other national institutions, the gesamteuropäische rules for contract management and the distribution of the market parties. It is about a ​​legtbewerbsnachteil with American banks. If the big Institute of the United States of America has won a loan of 6 billion euros, the big European now comes to 0.5 billion euros.

Berlin requested the purchase of Commerzbank, where the Unicredit activity is behind us, while Lufthansa has taken over the Alitalia successor ITA, where a number of signals are a good signal – for a good deal in Europe and for the completion of the banking and capital markets union.

With the purchase of the first package, the Bundesregierung eine Sperfrist von 90 Days for further transactions self-acceptance. That is what Berlin provides for the time of the Sondierung der Lage. The conversation with the key players in the capital and financial metropolis of Frankfurt seems so long – and the telephony takes longer in the heisslaufen.

You can contact the Frankfurt Economic Correspondent Michael Rasch on the platforms X, Follow Linkedin and Xing.