
German Promise who Kader Loth and Natascha Ochsenknecht receive a rental fee

German Promise who Kader Loth and Natascha Ochsenknecht receive a rental fee

The Fall of Heinz Hoenig has a theme in its most likely situation, it may be that there is no lucid war: actors and other artists are often not neglected, paintings such as the fall of the most experienced Hoenig are often not covered by health insurance. For 120 days, the 72-year-old now lives in a Berlin clinic, the collection costs are enormous.

After the family has taken over the costs of financing the company, half a million euros have been spent, so the expenditure on financing is so high that the management agent takes on the costs of the operating and clinical costs. Knapp 180,000 euros were acquired shortly.

There are few changes in the market that the industry is concerned with, but the fear of the alternative is civilized and prominent art. “We are concerned about our quality of life, yes or no now with the pure Schauspielerei”, writes the German Schauspieler and Moderator Heinrich Schafmeister, at the Gewerkschaft Bundesverband Schauspiel (BFFS) for many years in this regard for Social Politics and Tariff Regulations.

Statistics are also included in the results or measurements, such as “Hybrid”; poor quality and poor self-service. “There are typical architectural features that occur in the line that is now installed, being in the light version. This concerns grundsätzlich die Kranken-, Pflege-, Arbeitslosen-, Renten- und Unfallversicherung“, so Schafmeister.

“Schattentage”: Schauspieler often has Lücken in der Berufstätigkeit

If Schaus players have put a number of years into theater ensembles, or if the rest of the 18,000 colleagues remain, it becomes “arg compliziert”. “Our diversity is very poor, often overly patchy, very distorted and very difficult. Enjoy your good night’s sleep with your health, well-being, well-being, work-life balance, health care and maintenance of your health, it is on the BFFS page about the theme.

The German Rentenversicherung became an independent publisher and publisher since 1983 by the Künstlersozialversicherungsgesetz (KSVG) in the Schutz der gesetzlichen Sociale Versicherung einbezogen. It is a tragedy in your situation now half way. The other decisions are taken during a Bundeszuschuss and an Abgabe van de Unternehmer, die expert en publizistiek Leistungen verwerten, finanziert.

„Zum Essen muss ich on die Stage“: Helge Schneider is ready for a tour.

„Zum Essen muss ich on die Stage“: Helge Schneider is ready for a tour.Christoph Hardt/Imago

And yet: Altersarmut always trifft more Schauspielerinnen and Schauspieler, he is one of the Gewerkschaft Verdi. Time is long: the incompatibility of more people can no longer benefit from the best rental and social system. Scheinselbändige Engagements, Lücken in der Berufstätigkeit (unversicherte “Treasure”) and other unusual Beschäftigungen, die nur uf sehr kurzen Zeitraum erstrecken, sind Teil des Problems.

In a letter to Zeit you report that more prominent information about the industry of the wort is the problem and that this can be an answer. So reports Natascha Ochsenknecht, the first kürzlich 60 has become, the Theme Interest is beschäftige. „Man macht sich schon dank, when man ist self: Who sees that in the Zukunft out? Who can continue working for a long time? What about the page? Was kann ich nog alles tun?“, explains the Reality-Darsteller in gegenüber T-Online.

The fragment of the alternations is stelle sich heute more as früher. “I don’t care, but I spent 20 years in war and thought, I would care,” said the ex-frau von Schauspieler Uwe Ochsenknecht. ‘If you want, look at the world in a different way. Then I personally think: ‘Oh, I must live with love.’ That’s passion fell Frauen, da muss man durch.”

Schon Anfang des Jahres hatte Ochsenknecht in Podcast van Barbara Schöneberger freimütig von ihrem Rentenbescheid erzählt; this costs 580 Euro. “A pair of good children since they had a nice drink”, which is the fresh model. Ochsenknecht has played a major role in smaller film roles, lighter films, an unpleasant TV broadcast, has a Doku-Soap in his family, brought cosmetic heraus. Once you know you’ve put your money in the next hat. Davon, if you change with 67 plötzlich von der Bildfläche and no longer Arbeitet, it is no longer rechnen.

Kader Loth: Dschungel-Star now gets 280 euros rent

With my Mini-Rente you can’t go further than everything. Reality-Sternchen Kader Loth, who sits on RTL-Summer-Dschungelcamp, fürchtet sich again for Zickenkriegen nor for Giulia Siegel, aber for the Altersarmut. „I would like to receive an interest payment – ​​280 Euro in Monat, from 65. Lebensjahr. That’s a real shock,” said the 51-year-old Berliner in the Bild-Zeitung. “Wir Promis bekommen gefühlt keine gesetzliche Rente, and if we, however, then we will not live again. That power is my wirklich Fear.”

It is a way to guarantee care – including the ways aimed at Dschungelcamp – it is a response to change. Schicksale wie das von Heinz Hoenig energies are, “aber davon since we are all affected, gerade die Leute, die in der Öffentlichkeit stehen.”

Teilnehmer der „Legenden-Staffel“ in Dschungelcamp: Die hohe Gage ist für vale ein Grund, mitsumachen.

Teilnehmer der „Legenden-Staffel“ in Dschungelcamp: Die hohe Gage ist für vale ein Grund, mitsumachen.RTL

The musician Helge Schneider is a more prominent player. In an ARD broadcast, the 68-year-old age has begun in the course of time, the interest is very good. “Yes, I can pay my Miete, from the interest”, Schneider offers his modest pension. “But for the sake of it I must then go back to the stage.” On tour it is absolutely free catering. It is a fact that it is “very bad”, so the music is part of the program “Katzeklo auf Räder” during the tour through Germany.

Rent-Slagzeilen also allows entertainer and playwright Harald Schmidt for two years, if there is in a dpa-Interview, there is a fixed rent of 272 euros monthly. There are still most leisure activities, which are “full for 15 years”. According to the Federal Association of Rent Advisors once again: “Those who have been awarded by Mr. Schmidt after 15 years of full payment have achieved around 30 points of payment in the legal district west. If there is a monthly rent of 1080.60 euros (and not 272 euros), there has been a private lunatic pension, nor a very large purchase. An interest of 272 euros can be earned, we are earning an income at the current level 15 years ago.”

What about your distant future? Schmidt was always in the same state of affairs: the German Rental Payment was completed in January 2021 (letzte statistical Auswertung) in 140,000 years Widerspruch gegen den Rentenbescheid finalized – in 38,000 years must then be corrected.