
Whoever has a high Parkplätze kühler stature can

Whoever has a high Parkplätze kühler stature can

Others may live a different life when they are amazed by their life in the summer large parking lot. Similar to Supermarkets, Shopping Centers or Baumärkten: Wer aus dem Autoussteigt, wird struck with fuller Wucht von der abstract Hitze and when it is light, asphalt deserts can still appear.

In many cases there may be people transformedsoft drink is a kühleres Mikroklima erzeugen. Ganz is therefore one and only the Sache aber nicht.

➤ Read more: Bäume or Sprühnebel: Es gibt kein Allheilmittel gegen Hitzeinseln

Rasengitter, Schotterrasen, fugenoffenes Pflaster

Grundsätzlich can be covered with parking spaces with alternative asphalt. Bee Scots terracesPflastersteine ​​with the attacks of Fugen or Rasengitter stones kühlen Pflanzen die Stellflächen ab. Niederschläge können leichter versickern, was Überschwemmungen vorbeugt. Trees with large crowns the costs are included in the damage that is spent, the natural fringes of local biodiversity are promoted.

However, there are often parking spaces don’t go to this art were shaped. “Bei kleine Parkplätzen do not at all provide the enjoyment of Rasengittersteinen or Pflaster with green Fugen”, says Doris Enzersdorfer vom Ingenieurbüro für Landschaftsarchitektur Grünplan.

The Parkplatz des Schlosses Niederweiden in Marchfeld is a Schotterrasen gestaltet

Schmutz lands in “Burggraben”

The only solution for life is that of the “Burggraben”, a favorable health insurance rund um die Asfaltfläche. The versickerungsanlagen, so the official Begriff, müssen so aufgebaut sein, thatss si Schadstoffe who Reifenabrieb filtern and kept away from groundwater can explain Thomas Ertlder Leiter des Instituts für Siedlungswasserbau, Industriewasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz en der Universität für Bodenkultur.

Für Parkplätze gelten unterschiedliche Pollution classesfrom F1 (sauber) to F5 (sehr verschmutzt). A more typical Supermarktparkplatz with 25 Stellplätzen falls into the F3 category. Large Autobahnparkplätze falls into the category F4 or F5. You have an einstufung-gibt es non-sterilized filter layers. These must be taken into account when they are born. Sickermulden muss man etwa pflegen. Every few years people have to leave the waiter.

Bee Rasengitter stones There is a special substrate of the filter function. Die righton the Niederschlagswasser in the Boden-eindringt, it is a lot bigger, damn on the Wartungsaufwand.

➤ Read more: The Fassadenbegrünung was brought to Städten

Stadionparkplatz with many treasure houses and decorative scaffoldings

Solar roof as sunshade

Aus Sicht des Gewässerschutzes is the best, Parking spaces to be coveredsays Ertl. There is a place on the Parkplatz offended see. A plant shield can carry out rainwater drainage and dilution of the water drainage.

Man can play with one person in a parking lot Photovoltaic technology ausstatten. Make sure that you can no longer use the protective coating of PV modules. While the rain washes out the chemicals, the quality of the ground washers is determined. Überdachungen mit Sunbeams see weniger empfehlenswert, said Doris Enzersdorfer: “Großflächige Sonnensegel since windanfällig. Small yards on the Treasures are not dorthin, woman in braucht.”

Multifunctional Flächennutzung

Installing PV modules is a waste when a multifunctional device can be used. From a business perspective, I would not have burned it, says Gernot StöglehnerLeiter des Instituts für Raumplanung, Umweltplanung und Bodenordnung an der BOKU: “Rein durch die Energiezeugung ist das nicht finanzierbar.” The costs of PV modules are sinking, wirklich you can follow the trag construction. “Es braucht daher einen fundamentalen Zusatznutzen, wie Beschattung, Regenschutz etc.”

The most important thing are trees

Ohne Dach sollten einzelne Stellplätze und die Grünelemente ersetzt, die die High quality attractive Make. The most important are: “Trees, trees, trees.” They spend damage and are heavy climate regulators. It is clear that it is not even the case that a parking lot is a tree to buy.

Young children can make a quick turn and commit a sin. It’s time to get a better view of the crown. The construction of the paint is still possible, but “that is a Frage des Geldes”, says Stöglehner.

At the supermarket branch in Oberwaltersdorf, parking spaces with PV modules were carefully considered

Zweiteilige Bauweise would be one thing

Bleibt man am Boden, könnte man bei der Gestaltung von Parkplätzen kan vermehrt and die Expansion thinking, says Enzersdorfer. Supermarkets buy part of the asphalt paving parks and another part, which is now a grim end-of-life stadium, with the Freitag and the Samstag, which are used with the Rasengittersteinen. At the moment you are currently working on the regulations (ÖWAV Regelblatt 45), that’s how it works shared building requirements simplicity is power.

Grundsätzlich finds a thought at supermarket chains, is Enzersdorfer überzeugt. Auch Stöglehner is positive: “Es tut sich einiges.” Unternehmen, die een Umgestaltung ihrer Parkplätze erwägen, rät there, the fastest fast bäume anzupflanzen and the other words are: “The climate is so fast, it is always more hit. Bäume schützen, spenden Schatten, brauchen aber Zeit zum Wachsen.”