
China specializes in the automotive industry for imports for manufacturers from dpa-AFX

China specializes in the automotive industry for imports for manufacturers from dpa-AFX

BEIJING (dpa-AFX) – China has foreign car manufacturers with a view of possible importers further in sight. The trade ministry of experts provides an industry association and a sector promoter, a furniture and a provision for an import of car industry with large engines, which are in Beijing in the middle. Here you can not use the parts or err of the power of the ministry.

China has seen a new opportunity to let the EU benefit from the great Beijing in the future of electric cars from the People’s Republic. According to the view of the EU Commission, Chinese subsidies for electric cars from abroad are leading to a market introduction in the European Union.

First warning in May

Prepared in May, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels responded to the damals yet dry business for a Zollerhöhung on China imported Cars are warned. Damals is an insult to “Insider”, which is hit by a Abgabe at the height of 25 Percent that was won.

These possible problems have “Auswirkungen auf europäische und US-American automobiler, insondere angesichten der junior Entwicklungen”, teilte de Kammer damals mit. Von Importzöllen is said to have hit a brand of the German Autobauer.

The US has Chinese e-cars with high penalty charges. In the EU, it is not the case that the penalty charges are imposed. The Commission must close the separation between the 27 EU states. Clarity must be achieved by the end of October.

China has criticized the damage and war of the EU to other protection mechanisms that a representation of the interests of the Verbrauchern in Europe for. Parallel to this, China has joined the EU importers in anti-subsidy measures under the lupe. These are Branntwein, Schweinefleisch and best milk products.

FDP: China’s Vorgehen durchschaubar

The business political spread of the FDP-Bundestagsfraktion Reinhard Houben nannte Chinas Vorgehen durchschaubar: “Nach Schweinefleisch und Milchprodukten rücken nun große Verbrenner ins Visier der Behörden.” Damit wolle China Pressure on the Federal Government, itself in Brussels due to the Relocation of high prices on subvention of electrical cars from China.

It is safe to say that they were very happy in China and are very familiar with Europe and their view from Houben. I am a grim umkämpften Premiumsegment seien deutsche Hersteller seit Jahrzehnten Marktführer.