
The Rolle der Staatsbürgerschaft controls the Zugang of MSC zur HHLA

The Rolle der Staatsbürgerschaft controls the Zugang of MSC zur HHLA

– The Rolle der Staatsbürgerschaft controls the Zugang von MSC zur HHLA

The Hamburg Landtag will stop the maximum deployment of the world’s largest shipping company MSC and the port logistics company HHLA in the afternoon (from 1:30 p.m.). The red-green coalition could continue to sweat and separate the voice that pushes through a deal. The divorce war that took place before the summer break was blocked by the opposition.

The rotten administration in Hamburg can bind the Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) in the Hamburg Port and Logistics AG (HHLA) and the container shipping. The city is 50.1% and MSC 49.9% of the company. If the city is 70% higher, then rest in Free Float.

In the factory of MSC with offers, years later the freight volume and the HHLA terminals on the jetty and in 2031 quickly to double to a million standard containers per year. The Swiss Shipping Corporation will set up a new German Consortium in Hamburg and gemeinsam with the equity of the city of HHLA for an amount of 450 million euros.

The Gewerkschaft Verdi, Hafenarbeiter and zahlreiche Experten speak their fierce deal. If I see that there are no more jobs at HHLA, that can also happen at others with the joint portbetriebs and the lashingleistungen that are carried out. MSC was also given extensive veto rights by this deal.

The separation of the Hamburger Landtags from the MSC and HHLA regulations can significantly affect the shipping industry, as the deal plan for the scaffolding of MSC’s cargo volumes will also benefit the shipping industry. The Verschiffung von Gütern could have high Schiffsanforderungen erorderern, was zu Änderungen in the Schiffsplänen or routes could be führen.

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