
Starker EM-Start for the German 3×3 Women’s Team

Starker EM-Start for the German 3×3 Women’s Team

In a grimly changed Besetzung, the German 3×3 basketball players enter the EM in Vienna after the Gold Coup of Paris. Against Romania they try to solve a problem.

The German 3×3 basketball players started with a clear choice in the European Masters in Vienna. The German team went to the group stage in Vienna 21:7 against Romania. I zweiten Spiel trifft Deutschland at 21:55 in Poland. The jewels were both teams of the four Dreier-Gruppen that qualified for the Viertelfinale.

From the Gold Team of the Olympic Games in Paris is now in Vienna Elisa Mevius dabei, the gegen Rumänien with the best punk war and her favorite Rebounds-hole. Svenja Brunckhorst has played her career after the summer, Svenja Greinacher has taken her hand injury out of the closet and Marie Reichert has followed her Club season in Italy. In the last 20 years Mevius Stehen has also Amelie Kröner, Victoria Poros and Ama Degbeon in the German team.

Bundestrainer Samir Suliman said that Turnier started by saying: “All the players were in the Olympia-Vorbereitung with dabei, wiht, wie would spiel und nicht sich aus dem Effeff,” Suliman said. Poros und Degbeon are looking for Rumänien jeweils sechs Punkte, Kröner Steuerte zwei Zähler bei.