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Our emotional competents write children’s bad notes. If you notice the spätere Leben, this can be a “weitreichende sequel”.

Deutschland discutiert stood out, who schlecht seine Schülerinnen und Schüler sind: Vergangene Pisa-Studien ze Versagen voor alle in Mathematics und Lesekompetenz. Lösungsansätze can offer the study “OECD’s Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES)”. If you are no longer in the nuts and bolts of the schülerinnen and schüler, it is about your emotional intelligence.

Kind in der Schule, Tisch auf dem Kopf
Um gut in der Schule zu sein, hift laut OECD-Studie nicht nur fachlicher Unterricht. (Symbol image) © IMAGO/YAY Images

Study: Emotional Competencies and Good School Leistungen hängen sisterammen

Ergebnisse der Studiezeigen: Children with emotional feelings Kompetenzen have in Schnitt bessere Noten, als Kinder, die in dem Bereich little gut ausgestattet since. If your emotional competents feel at ease, they will appeal to: Leistungsbereitschaft, Ausdauer, Eigenverantwortung, as well as Selbstcontrollle. If you go in the emotional direction, you can improve your children’s reading habits, the study said.

“Often seen as a set-up, academic and emotional achievements, but in reality they are two sides of a medal,” said Hannah Ulferts on May 28 at a press conference of the German Children’s and Youth Foundation (DKJS) in Berlin. It is a study and a study as a political analyst in one of the OECD studies.

It is passion, wenn Kindern Empathy and Durchsetzungskraft fehlt

Educational learning is the first of the Anfang: If children do not learn emotional competence, they can have “resilient follow-through”, says Ulferts on Nachfrage von BuzzFeed News Germany, by IPPEN MEDIA. If there is a “long bad life, but I have a job”. Everything in the Bewerbungsgespräch is notorious, Durchsetzungskraft, overleveringsfähigkeit and Empathy zu besitzen. “I muss verstehen: Was will denn the other jetzt? Who can give my opinion, what will happen? Who can I buy?”

Children with their good wishes will be happy for a long time “for a successful business”, whoever forms Ulferts. It seems that the emotional battle for the “Foundation of Democracy” has begun. The Erziehungswissenschaftlerin fordert, that Schools emotional Kompetenzen unterrichten sollten.

Lehrerverbandspräsident: Fachkräftemangel erschwert Unterstützung in emotional learning processes

“School is prepared in a classroom for emotional intelligence,” says Stefan Düll, Lehrerverbandspräsident, BuzzFeed News Germany provided “Children learn in debt that when a group moves, brand unity will be achieved, conflict will be lost, and there will be continuity and inheritance.”

Your passion is no longer in the afterlife, if you have a debt, sit down in the break. If you solve the problem, you can start these learning processes. “If it is adapted to the class, it can lead to a lower lesson, so to smaller classes.” Not only the faculty shortage a learning force puts laut Dull an emotional learning in the way. It may be that there is debt restructuring, other debt psychology forces, which play a major role in emotional learning processes.

This is an article from BuzzFeed News Germany. We are a part of IPPEN MEDIA-Network. Here is all the Beiträge von BuzzFeed News German.

Psychology: Emotional Competencies since “Erziehungsaufgabe der Eltern”

Again Ulferts or the Lehrerverbandspräsident stops a person with the name ‘Emotional Intelligence’ for non-adherent. From “practical foundations” is not possible, therefore boring. Before everything goes so well, it is not possible to integrate within the framework of integration. “The society cannot be all learning processes, the development of personal development in the debt reducers. Foundations must be laid in the Families and in Kitas”, says Düll.

Derselben Meinung is one of the psychologists Christian Ambach, who has his first life experience. “Aus mener Sicht sind emotional Kompetenzen ereine Klassische Erziehungsaufgabe der Eltern”, says there BuzzFeed News Germany. Schon ab de dreun Lebensjahr sollten Kinder Fähigkeiten wie Frustrationstoleranz und Anstrengungsbereitschaft erlernen. “If you end up in the Schule, it’s a bit of a hassle.”