
Arnd Brüning über Erfolg und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung

Herr Brüning, I want you to be ready a year later. Were they perceived differently in Bremen?

Arnd Brüning: There is a big chance that the war will come quickly to a surprise. If the positive brand definition gives a bad impression. In my eyes the fisherman will be in the negative life, as an investor, as an entrepreneur. Dabei is Fischerhude mein Heimatort. If you do the sales and the development of a few years, the representation of a company can lead to more information.

If all the normal skiing is true, continue in the Fischerhude with Ihrem Unternehmen and nicht in the Überseestadt.

That’s true. We have planted a Neubau auf dem Bauernhof of the Family my Fathers. If all goes well, the Court will continue in the family of his life. Aber heute bin ich froh, dass es nicht clapped hat.

Einige Bewohner was a Neubau in Dorf Fischerhude.

I have fortunately acquired from my parents the thick wading, as if it were a defect: I can not be night-time. I can abstain from things, the protection me and is lightening. 97 Percent of the Fischerhuder is a good financing, if you can work with the other people, so find out. There can be protested daily and a downright vertrieben. When it comes to that, the war for the world and my man is aimed. I am with me in Reinen. And that will remain in the Fischerhude.

Would you want to send women away?

Ehrlich gesagt yes. There is a moment when the war is focused on a better situation, all Zelte in Fischerhude will be abzubrechen as soon as possible. I am finished with the separation in Bremen tomorrow and have found a kind of own location for our companies. I want to go a step further. But then the feeling was quickly gone again.

From 2023 you will be on the Kellog-Gelände in a Neubau, directly to the new Hotel John & Will.

Sure, and when I’m in Bremern, it’s a great thank you, who I and one of our other people have seen. If there is war at the hoteliers, this is not the case and the 300 guests who know half, are there. Ich bin freier geworden, seit ich nicht mehr so ​​​​in Fischerhude verhaftet bin.

This sounds like a happy Bremer Unternehmer. When you do something, it’s not like it happens.

I have discovered that in the Society it was negative and often had to do with knowledge of the background. There will be a small reflection. There is a certain improvement potential in Bremen, but I did not know, worüber ich mich beschweren sollte. If it is good, it may be that there is a new city. And with sitting gloves.

With friends and partners Klaus Meier, this project was completed in the city and will come to Oyten, to Fischerhude. Braucht es Landluft voor Unternehmertum?

Klaus comes who I have from a farm, which has brought me a beautiful portion of the land. I’m happy with my life, I don’t have to worry about tears, but I wouldn’t blow it.

Klaus Meier is virtually covering up entire parts of the city with his projects. What about the development of the city, if it is located in the city?

I think it is one of the most social companies that Umfeld has, at that time. That was also possible in Fischerhude. I have a opinion to change things and die. If you can’t make more money, it might be a good idea to sell. If Klaus Meier has lived here for a while, a new location will be bought, while he will be alive.

Is it fun to live in the Überseestadt?

Yes, totally. My wife and I found a new hotel, got a glass of wine and said: this is so great, here everything was good. It is different when we hint in the Europahafen, where now Wohnraum geschaffen wurde is. Here before the Kellog-Gelände Wohnraum and Gewerbe became parallel, it was found grand.

If you have your own Bremen company with Klaus Meier, the Werder Bremen will achieve a 38-million-earn income with an investor alliance. Why actually?

Stubborn as a fan of 1. FC Köln, but I am always open to seeing more. If you are present during your stay in the Business Lodge, if you have a day of service and drums, you will be able to cancel everything. Dann Klaus Filbry as the broadcaster of the channel checks in and says he had a great time spent by Marke Werder.

This is a violation of the law.

Genau, that’s what happened, that’s what it’s all about. And if I want more, there’s a hornier Verein. Be that as it may, who could say that fans are prevented in the Corona phase, if the Verein is going badly. I think that the fans in the East Curve are no longer in the Business Squares. If we have the first flat hat, Klaus Meier is a mitgemacht. Besides my financial manager said that I could also raise the money in the Weser. If the war is equal. And the next step was then the regional alliance, to strengthen the Verein.

Would you like to know what Rendite is?

No, nullkommanull. We want to be able to enjoy the future. After all, that’s money, so your money is good, that’s why I don’t have to worry about it, and that’s why a donation is made. Das Geld is welcome at Werder Bremen. If that is the case, then the Unternehmer, who in itself could invest money in a community, that is the Club and that the City is long-lasting. Werder is the best Werbeträger of the city. If we were aware of the fact that I was the best, the money of the Achimer Golf Club was more invested, when the game was played in Golf and the words of the Zeit.

You can find a seat in the Aufsichtsrat.

Yes, the Rolle is often overloaded. If you are looking for a rat, you can make a strategic choice. Nothing else will ever happen.

Do you enjoy working as an athlete in your company culture?

If you are busy for a while, you can discuss, while you make a woolen leather culture. When it comes to woolen people, if you bring the Leistung, it can happen. And with woolen clothes, so that you can see the results, that is possible. Once this is a problem, then the Leute here in the Unternehmen etwas leisten. If it is good, it is in the Gesellschaft wieder which muss, the Leistung will be. Before all people see the young Leuten, who is that, Leistung zu zorgen in de Rahmen seiner Möglichkeiten. It is not that selling your life is possible.

Haben Sie den Eindruck, dass das so ist?

Yes, and I find that absolutely not true. Gerade for the background, who has solved a problem in Germany, will never have a problem, if there is no quarrel by the Gesellschaft. We must be prepared to leave. Nothing has happened, 60 hours of work that week. But it must make fun, to go to work.

Klingt is a fact. Want to know more?

Darüber discuss will be intensive here. If you have left the Leitlinien for the Führung and the Zusammenhalt, this is one of the most important Gerüst. While it was being described, it was wollen, as far as our anxiety is concerned. I once sat on the Monat a Veranstaltung here on our Campus, while I wait for the presentation, which I enjoy very much. If it is of course money, it is not over so quickly. The basis is for my part of the fragment: Warum bin ich denn überhaupt Unternehmer worden?

Weil Sie etwas procure woolen?

Yes, my opinion is not baffled. Heute wit ich es. We are happy with each other in Gestaltung und Entscheidung. If I merge Leuten, I will die and schätze. These Geese must be a Rahmen, in them we will move. And festlegen: Was wollen wir, wie wollen wir das? If it is the eighth time the rahmen contain part of it. We want an Arschloch-free Zone signal here.

And what if all this happens to you?

We are coming to our borders again. If things are going well, it cannot be that there will be more conflicts. I see it as a chance, but it is also in our guidelines. I will take a look at the road, so that everything is played out. To come to the end. If you can report a herald, the man is not so well anymore.

You are here in your company with a lot of people from Generation Z towards you. Is this a performance culture?

Every autumn. I have a big heart for young people. The children were always different, after the children had more and more time, the children’s party was better. The question is only, who can have it.

With a four-day week?

It is a good mirror. It is important that a man sees a sense in his work. And if the man is there, the man is hereditary. Who is at the Olympic Games. If a medal is won, it is beaming as someone, it is not that it has been. If we want more, if you have the four days of work, the Gleiche will earn who someone, the nice days of work. It cannot be otherwise. And that is not the case. If you convey a message here, it may be illegal.

Do you also enjoy being a Kontrollfreak?

No, not at all. If you have time, in the event that everything is messed up, this will not be the case anymore. We have had so many discussions here, if it is not allowed, everything we check. Anyway, it is a matter of the Gesellschaft with more self-responsibility over the sollten. And if you appeal to a vertauensvorschuss.

Who cares about work-life balance?

It is a question of uncomplicated, if it is a word, if it is no longer possible, then play in the first wave. If there is a child hat, then it is so that it may succeed. Ich mache das jetzt 33 Years, davon waren 20 Years richtig hart Arbeit, viel een intensive en immersion met vollem Risiko en met persoons Haftung. Dann fünf Jahre, in this case it was a different word. A jetzt is the right choice. If the employee has a task, it is Arbeit and Leben wieder in een darm Gleichklang. When it is that far again, there is no more war possible. If the war becomes bigger, it may be that the battle is won. I have read the Verantwoordwortung for other people.

Welche Auszeiten did you feel like?

I had a phase that lies in most strategic separations for the existing solutions. I had no time to work in peace. In the phase that I go to sell my jewelry for a week in Mallorca, one of the things I do. When the war has started, there is a fairly short time. If the work that you do, it can be that your day job is corrupted, that it is no longer white, was the first and the sweat was machen soll.

Das Gespräch führte Mathias Sonnenberg.

To person

Arnd Brüning

started with a Bio-Gärtnerei in Fischerhude. Jetzt führt is an Unternehmensgruppe in new Ländern with 250 Mitarbeitern. Sitz der Brüning Group is located in the Überseestadt. Brüning is inherited and it is childish.

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