
So take care of your Oldtimer purchase for Fälschungen

So take care of your Oldtimer purchase for Fälschungen

Fiesta cases
So take care of your Oldtimer purchase for Fälschungen

Two Flügeltürer, het gleiche Fahrgestellnummer: The Skandal is a Mercedes restorer who is waging war against the Spitze des Eisbergs. Überall in der Klassik-Szene lauern Fälscherfallen. But Sammler can use his guards.

Durchsuchungen in Werkstätten und Wohnungen, Beschlagnahmungen, Schlagzeilen in de Fachmedien und am End eine Insolvenz – der Skandal um de Mercedes-Restaurator Kienle in Heimerdingen near Stuttgart in Frühsommer 2023 hätte auch zum Drehbuch eines Fernsehkrimis geaugt. Kienle soll Flugeltürer gefälscht and more cars with gleicher Fahrgestellnummerverkauft haben, so die Vorwürfe. The Staatsanwaltschaft is ermittelt, Kienle weist die Vorwürfe zurück.

Is the Oldtimer real? It is possible to leave money behind with forensic methods - generating natural money. Is the Oldtimer real? It is possible to leave money behind with forensic methods - generating natural money.

Is the Oldtimer real? It is possible to leave money behind with forensic methods – generating natural money.

(Photo: FSP Classical Competence/dpa-tmn)

One of the new autumn stories: Spätestens are the prizes for the classic round to go through the Decke, after the failures and the investment change of Frank Wilke from the Marktbeobachter Classic Analytics in Bochum.

“It’s an Oldtimer with the Ferrari 250 GTO, the Porsche 911 RS 2.7 with the car or the Mercedes 300 SL, which is even more on the street, if you are being spoken of,” says Sebastian Hoffmann. Under the white, wovon is spoken of.

Hoffmann is not a Kfz manager in the Frankfurter Klassikstadt, but works for the TÜV-Tochter FSP as a car driver. There are oldtimers with scientific methods that are a bleaching agent at the police of the police, a real best choice.

Gutachten können gut investiertes Money signal

Mercedes-Benz has its own knowledge of the mark and can make mistakes afterwards. Mercedes-Benz has its own knowledge of the mark and can make mistakes afterwards.

Mercedes-Benz has its own knowledge of the mark and can make mistakes afterwards.

(Photo: Tom Koenig/Mercedes-Benz AG/dpa-)

Solche Gutachten, which is one of the classics of repairers at Porsche, Mercedes or Ferrari, is not a single schnäppchen and quickly costs a five-figure amount. First of all, that is well invested money at millions of euros, says Hoffmann. A division is no more possible than an X-ray examination, a magneto-optical analysis of metals or a spectral analysis of defects.

“Often the best choice to do a plausibility test and a document check for our Hundert or Tausend Euro that are real,” says the Forensiker. “And it’s fun to do that with Sammlerfahrzeugen and Liebhaberstücken from the civil aviation region.” First right, while the wrong length of time is the best variants of the Porsche 911 or the Golf GTI, this is the best option.

It often concerns the Spur to Eastern Europe and Asia

Want to know more about the history of the Oldtimer? Then the restorer can add a free offer of Marken- and Modelclubs. Want to know more about the history of the Oldtimer? Then the restorer can add a free offer of Marken- and Modelclubs.

Want to know more about the history of the Oldtimer? Then the restorer can add a free offer of Marken- and Modelclubs.

(Photo: picture alliance/dpa)

It is no longer the case that the cars are now busy: When something happened, Schindluder was getrieben, said Tobias Stieber. There is a team brand protection at Mercedes Heritage GmbH and a message for the year 2024 of more than 600 international raids, while more than 1.6 million products are produced at a value of more than 129 million euros. It is often the case that it is bizarre and the legal analysis often unnoticed, so Stieber. Most online handlers are in Eastern Europe or Asia, while the arm of the institutions is no longer right, it is with the Swabians.

Of course Mercedes defends its production, ownership and brand rights. “But it also goes to us for the protection of customers”, says Stieber. It may be that the part of the piece has not even reached the quality of life, if it does not succeed anymore or gets a better autumn in the fall. It is always the case that all products at Bremsscheiben, Rädern or Lenkungsteilen, the error and the product pirates are brought to the attention.

Is Welcher Stern real? The experts at the Mercedes‑Benz Classic Center recognize its non-original and faulty quality. Is Welcher Stern real? The experts at the Mercedes‑Benz Classic Center recognize the disinterested original and faulty quality.

Is Welcher Stern real? The experts at the Mercedes‑Benz Classic Center recognize its non-original and faulty quality.

(Photo: Tom Koenig/Mercedes-Benz AG/dpa-tmn)

Original parts for high prices

Black has a Mercedes a Lager with 160,000 spare parts positions for 57 series from patent motor car to his Baby Benz – and every comes from 20,000 to 25,000 new series days, reports Pressesprecher Peter Becker. If the million-dollar classic imposes a high price for the originality prize, the loan agreement is executed in zurück at young cars.

“Deshalb is a new product that is often offered to companies abroad. It is a good thing that the seller has removed the parts from the factory warranty and the Altauto-Verwerter has bought a number of online shops with extensive original products,” says Oldtimer-Experte Wil ke .

There are also alternatives available, if you see that you can find an original part of your experience. The romantic perspective or the nerves that you have are appropriate on the Schrottplatz, so Wilke has its own longevity.

Mercedes-übernahm Teile von Kienle

Ohne Zweifel: Durch den Skandal um Kienle ist de Klassik-Szene beschüttert. But Experts with Wilke and Hoffmann-hoffen, that is a cleaning war and above all, that the Sin of the Sammler is united and his Oldtimer and Ersatzteile are no longer so blauäugig einkaufen.

Der Skandal is one of the most exciting things in Happy End. A personal upgrade, your complete and comparable work statistics are in the house of your dens, with the Mercedes Classic Center part of the Kienle-Betriebsmittel and the Mechaniker-übernommen.