
On-off inspiration: Do you want a future?

Eric Hegmann from On-Off-Beziehungen

“That’s not Romantic drinks”

InterviewBy t-online, jb

24.08.2024 – 12:57 pmReading time: 4 min.

Romance: If there are a few breaks, there are a few after cooking.Enlargement of the imagesRomantic: If a trennung resembles a few nach körperlicher Nähe. (Quelle: David-Prado/getty-images-bilder)

After the breakup, always back to Ex? An expert knows that the relapse in the other situation is not selected and not resolved.

Some people are not sure about a trennnung that no longer produces the right step or a larger Fehler war. Is it a sin, who will zum/zur Ex zu gehen? For all, if it is not the first trennnung of the partner war, it could be that they are both together when there is a zusammenkommen. Eric Hegmann, a well-known couple therapist and the founder of the Modern Love School, who works online, is an on-off soulmate, where he is often hit and the chance of a happy ending is greater.

t-online: Mr. Hegmann, who sees the typical green pair of the pair, how long you have to trennen and still find it together?

Eric Hegmann: While most trennungen are in a phase, in the spirit of a partner of others, it is possible to work. Der Wunsch is also normal. The phase then, when the losses occur, can be a person who can be a person, who may be and lead can, it is first possible, when the phase of the ex-zurück-phase is overcome. The time and the couple do not come out of the Loslassen.

Is it the best person that the Wunsch nach a wiederaufleben der Beziehung is especially grim ausgeprägt?

Yes. It is often a person with a lustful pressure, it is a grim way to make a connection. If it is good, it is often so that your own bed and boundary-pushing products are used. During the therapeutic brilliant effect, it is not so that romantic feelings occur in a phase with high stress and dry experiences and depressive episodes.

Is it a typical example of a conflict that has higher levels of on-off activity than of stabilizing partnerships?

If it is good, there is a partner who feels emotional and who labels himself. This is not the Rule. The age is perhaps not so great: if the lifestyle is no longer extended, while the childish nor from the house is so, the inner development and the symbiotic kennel phase will be so present, we will redistribute air sliders backwards, we will be a miss, which is so clear, because the Partner has so far flung, to assure and heal one another ….

Eric Hegmann
Eric Hegmann (Source: Janine Meyer)

Eric Hegmann is a Couple Therapist and another expert for Integrative Couple Therapy, Emotional Couple and Sexual Therapy who offers systemic Sexual and Couple Therapy. This is a digital therapy at the Modern Love School or Live-Seminare. We say that Hegmann is in the Fernsehen when he finds in Podcasts of Wissen a hit and more interesting topic.

Can an on-off mode remain stable and usable for a long time, or is it better that the display is eventually finished?

It is no longer necessary to take turns. After the Erfahrung has begun, it may be that the other Trennungsgründe becomes a new Trennungsgründe.

Welche Rolle spielt die Angst voor Einsamkeit or der Veränderung bei der Entscheidung, wieder nichtsammenzukommen?

There can be a role played. I am not so eager. If the fundamental fear of a new beginning and everything possible is, it will be damned difficult. Our program is a program that you can use to protect. Everything is new and is one of the first things you can do. So function with: Fahren meiden, rather adapt to what we know, even then, wenn es eigentlich niet gut für uns ist.

Who wants to have an on-off switch in the social environment, on the way to friendships and family activities?

I think it’s like that with friends and family. When there’s a strong pressure on a couple, when you trennen, a partner becomes a war. And when the partner did his best, the shaving together with his partner and the fact that he tinned, was a tatsächlich verbindet.

Is it the best technology or technology that helps the couples to continue the On-Off muster?

That is a rate for Couple Therapy. It is not possible that one of the partners who live together, one of the partners can choose for his own: “Will I want to pay the price, will my partner change, what should I do, to be with you together?”