
Ein wahres Vorbild – Junge Staatsanwältin seen in my home town of Berndorf

Ein wahres Vorbild – Junge Staatsanwältin seen in my home town of Berndorf

Schon im Kindesalter war der Berndorferin Desiree Pieringer made it clear: “I would become Richterin or Staatsanwältin!” llen .

After the training of the diploma studies you follow the targeted practice, you will receive more articulate and written instructions to find hearings as interesting as possible. Then there is an excess in the richterlichen Vorbereitungsdienst, this Ausbildungsphase has started in Berndorferin in November 2022 with the Richteramtsprüfung. Because the interest in terrorism is great, we will appeal to the title „Terror(tour)ismus“.

‘If the aiming means are one of the violations, man can make his plans as aimers or state banks in Österreich. But for me it was clear, that I would be able to work for the State Department of Wien. If the state bank has the authority to determine the direction of the debt and the debt to start trading with the Anklage zum Richter kommt. For all of us, the State Department whose job is safe and secure.”

If the blonde blonde sees like this, man thinks, a model like that, he will be in service from January 2023.

Staatssanwältin war immer schon ihr Traumberuf

“I’ve had a judicial judicial court and a mother politician, I think they’re small American businessmen, who loathe the state banks. My mother has very grimly impressed upon me and I have seen that I have become involved with my studium as quickly as possible, one of my so interesting people who may have called upon,” admits the idiosyncratic 31-year-old.

If the Question, because he has no fear of the swaren Jungs and bought-off Dames, he thinks he must say: “I have changed my sports skills that we want to learn and a house from no man can buy anymore. If a natural talent is a Möglichkeiten, if the man is protected as a judge or statesman, it is not so that he sollte.”

Von Vösendorf sees the weeder in his Heimatstadt Berndorf

The young Berndorfer who was not in the Pendeln was in Kauf, a trauma with his connection with his Home Berndorf could be reconciled: “Einmal Berndorf, immer Berndorf”, he said laughingly.

The fall became a state walt during the Zufallsprinzip-zugewiesen. The Gesetzgeber hat de Staatsanwaltschaft met weitreichenden Befugnissen zur Erfüllung ihrer Aufgaben ausgestattet. If you want to add art yourself to the police or the police, you can have no doubt that the Regulations have evolved. If the State Public Prosecutor is the Criminal Procedure Order of the Leiterin des Ermittlungsverfahrens, the State Public Prosecutor and the Kriminal Police see on Augenhöhe: “It is important, common to a serious matter!”

It was the robbery of the state whales that made the Judges inseparable, that the Judge did not stop. A state citizenship day is the same as the Secretary of Justice.

“If the State Attorney often plays a very strict role in the eyes of society, it can be a party that the State Attorney – like the judge – has the object obligated and all other incriminating interests that extend to the worthy hat. In this function it is important that a report is made of the rape, if you do not believe the suspect – also in part in the second instance for the accused. “

In her free time Desiree is free, she works and works haughtily in a new Heim era. If you are in the Leidenschaft, the House Renovation nor valuable sports art, such as Karate.

Auf die Frage, was man a State Wünschen könne, says Desiree: “Möglichst few Verbrechen, denn das bedeutet, that no one will be harmed!”

Young Secretary of State

In my spare time, the young state banks are so sporty.
