
Bill and Tom Kaulitz revive Dortmund-Geläster

Bill and Tom Kaulitz revive Dortmund-Geläster

In this podcast Bill and Tom Kaulitz talk about the Erscheinungsbild Dortmunds. Another problem is that it doesn’t work anymore.

“If it’s good, a man can offend himself, while Dortmund is not the best city. Even if you are architecturally considered, you can hear Bill Kaulitz in a podcast sequence of ‘Kaulitz Hills – Senf aus Hollywood’. 2023 sees the Dortmund-Lästerei still with a commentary, but the Gebäude der Stadt «ganz schön hässlich» sees.

Anyone who writes “Ruhr24” will have to absolve the Zwillinge (34) in its Aussagen in the new Folge “Im Käfig mit Promi-Kollegen” abgeschwächt haben. Denn Tom Kaulitz has Post from the city: «I got a photo here. And black and white graffiti, wed in Dortmund with the slogan ‹Only Love Don’t Hate›.»

«Wir haben ja nicht hated…»

You act when you are in the Spruch, while the «Tokyo Hotel»-Mitglieder am Ende jeder Podcast-Folge aufsagen. “That’s probably a small Spitze from Dortmund,” says Bill.

When I said my criticism of the city was: “I never hated, I just … discussed and collected,” says Tom. If you are a fan of both with the Graffiti Sprayer, this is not possible.

Bill is unaware of the fact that Platz is criticizing his “Work of Art”: “It’s not like that on a house wall,” he says.

Werdegang by Bill and Tom Kaulitz

Bill and Tom Kaulitz lost in the year 2006 from the gymnasium an ​​abschluss, a music career of his teachers. Please note that the real school education at an online school nach. In April 2009 my «forward-looking school achievements» with the «Jugendpreis Fernlernen» was ausgezeichnet.

2005, depending on the album «Schrei» and the title «Durch den Monsun» of the musical Durchbruch. Beside his music career follows the Zwillinge more Auftritte in Reality-Shows of RTL and a Reality-Format on Netflix.



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Bill KaulitzHollywoodZwillingeNetflixRTLTom Kaulitz