
The forest in the Kassel region experiences moist rain

The forest in the Kassel region experiences moist rain

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The forest in the Kassel region experiences moist rain
I know it won’t last much longer: Many low blows are very good for the forest. © Photo: Antje Thon

The German Forest is critical. The fall of rain in those years brought an end to the life of the Bäume in Kreis Kassel.

Kreis Kassel – The German Forest is in critical Zustand. Vier von fun Bäumen is geschädigt. This is the end of the Waldzustandserhebung 2023. After the period from 2018 to 2022, it has now been more than a year since all the end of life has been reached, who is in charge of the Forstämter, who has been sister for the Landkreis Kassel, messages are permanent.

“Dem Reinhardswald is in diesem Jahr so ​​​​gut wie long nicht,” said Klemens Kahle, Speaker of the Forstamtes Reinhardshagen, the largest hessische Forstamtes. Der Grund für die Erholung seien de ergiebigen Niederschläge, die bereits im Herbst vergangen Jahres einseten en bis huletzt andauerten. If it is beige, the Grundwasserspiegel is still active.

Good construction makes all Baumarten profitable. Auch Bäume, after the Dürren der vergangen Jahre “noch auf der Kippe positions, haben es nochmal geschafft”, says Kahle. Allerdings: These crown illuminations are not visible in the case of bubbles and eggs. A few Bäumen never rage nor trockene Äste and Zweige in den Himmel. “Kronenspießigkeit” nenen the Forstleute diesen Zustand.

“There is less stress and a high level of weight,” says Dr. Britta Winterhoff vom Forstamt in Wolfhagen, who lives in the Habichtswald. With a good attitude, Bäume also provided broader standards for more damage, says the Leiterin des Bereichs Produktion. You can take more Harz photos and it is so important that Befall von Schädlingen-schützen arises.

There is no talk of a big growth in the Wetter, if there is talk of “Begleitvegetation where Brombeeren, Himbeeren and Graser are grown up”. If you see the Mitarbeiter-actuell, this can be a problem, the stimulation and cultivation of pflegen and free time.

When Winterhoff thinks about it, the irreversible part of the story falls. Deshalb seien the Forstarbeiter is very civilized, in the Nähe von Straßen zu work and the Verkehrssicherheit zu gewährleisten.

That is a job, the worker of the forest melting, which on the other hand is for the other hand sufficient, is well maintained, says Manager Petra Westphal. If the long term lasts longer, it is possible that you get more energy, while you do not need more diesel, while your fine-tuning work will be so safe.

But: “The mild year pays off for junior and middle-aged trees. See for yourself. For young cultures it is a gift that they like. Your care must act in the middle point of the work of the forest. If you do this, it is important that the years are carried out by the washers in the forest. Make sure that you can remove the pathogens from the paths and the cleaning of the back road. Most functions are no longer active when stark rain hits the dry ground. “Permanent land rain is what we want”.

Auch im Kaufunger Wald and others Gebieten des Forstamts Hessisch Lichtenau must have new Pflanzungen and Kulturen that are freely schnitten, said Leiter Matthias Dumm. “Everything awaits whoever conquers it.” This is concrete, which is the Niederschlag für den Wald.

Gut with water ensured that the construction work is successful. The Borkenkäfer looks grim. Actually in charge of Monitoring. “Die Zählenden finden kaum etwas”. Although frustrating for a few, but good for Wald and Forstarbeiter. “The greatest sorrow we have spent our years with our beautiful gifts.” Once you give birth, a fall occurs. Grundsätzlich erholen sich laut sie chen besser als zum Beispiel Buchen von den Durrejahren, possibile weise weil diese besser og trocken-warmes Klima angepasst seien.