
Umbau is suitable for new cars and more green solutions

Umbau is suitable for new cars and more green solutions

The Oldenburger Stadtverwaltung is planning a new market place on the market with more cars and more greenery, and for gastronomy. The Kreisel will soon be car-free and the 91er Straße will soon be car-free.

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Oldenburg – The Oldenburger Stadtverwaltung treibt den Umbau des Pferdemarktes before. The motorways for car traffic have been significantly reduced, with cross-border traffic, as well as the 91er Straße and the Eisenbahnbrücke would give shape to an “urban” highway. Vorgestellt will start the Rahmenplanung in the non-offensive phase of city construction on August 15. All the help of the City Planning Office Markus Löwer who is on the Same Day Street for the Standing Office for the Planning Department. that of the city administration on a stellwand öffentlich zu präsentieren.

Ziel ist, meer Affenthaltsqualität for Menschen zu purchase. The gilded interior for the eastern Bereich des Pferdemarktes Richtung Donnerschweer Straße. From the Stadtmuseum, a man on the Umbau can no longer take the car behind the Bahnbrücke directly to the Donnerschweer Straße, under the Platz to his Landesbibliothek and would then have an Ampelkreuzung to the right Direction Osten führt. The Fläche includes the current traffic area including a beer garden, playground and park as well as a restaurant/bistro “Havana” for gastronomy functions. More greenery and a small parquet are just about worth using the ehemalige Kaserne am Nordrand.

The Pferdemarkt is part of the Sanierungsgebiets „Nördliche Innenstadt“, another example of the Raiffeisenstraße, the Straße „Am Stadtmuseum“ and the Heiligengeiststraße. Dort gibt es heute 602 parking lots (een Markttagen 410 parking lots). This should happen with the reaction of the CCO-Tiefgarage and the construction of a triple parking garage (je Geschoss 50 Stellplätze) 580 signal. The new parking garage is no longer oriented towards the Bahn dort, where the possibilities of the Wochenmarkt for heute parks lie. There are castles in the 91er Straße and in a hotel in front of Hotel Rosenbohm.

The Straße Am Pferdemarkt in front of the Parkplatz der ehemaligen Exerzierhalle/Alten Maschinenfabrik and dem Standesamt is with a full width, so there is no more single vision on the plans. Gleiches gilded for the Wochenmarkt-Areal, on the Nicht-Markttagen in Gegensatz have never been parked again.

Thomas Husmann