
So sweet of the first regional Health Day in Kamp-Lintfort

So sweet of the first regional Health Day in Kamp-Lintfort

Once in Monat, Natascha Roters walks in a Rikscha-Pilotin. The 39 year old Xantenerin-fährt from the Lower Rhine Cathedral in the Lower Rhine High School. In Kamp-Lintfort he discussed his Schwester Sabrina, the Caritas-Haus St. Hedwig lived, which is to the west and the St. Bernhard Hospital anschließt. If you want a special Rikscha, the Rollstuhlfahrer can ufnehmen one. “The Rikscha-Führerschein habe ich im Frühjahr 2024” says the Rikscha-Pilotin. “Wir fahren zum Kamper Terrassengarten or zum Lintforter Zechenpark. Meine Schwester enjoys dying Ausflüge.”