
A real Orten in Tokyo plays the Anime Hit

A real Orten in Tokyo plays the Anime Hit

The action of “Jujutsu Kaisen” took place in Japan. So there are many locations from the anime series in the real world.

“Jujutsu Kaisen” is played by the credible anime of the past years. After the first Staffel and the movie film were a fuller, he continued with the second Staffel in July 2023. The history of the anime took place in Japan. Looking back, there may be a great increase in scale in the Series in the real world wiederrecognition. The Siege herefor next Otaku in Tokyo has been combined.

“Jujutsu Kaisen”: The real Order of the Anime Series

Schon in the next series, when Itadori and Fushigoro meet with Gojo, we could the Harajuku Station recognize. Trading is one of the things that the Bahnhof in the Bezirks-centrum of Shibuya can do. Weil “Jujutsu Kaisen” is a relatively new anime, which can give the location bislang.

© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo
© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo
© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo
© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo

If Itadori and Fushigoro are struck with Gojo, Nobara will be in his new Mitstreiter-proposed. Let’s take a look at the four die oben gezeigten Münzschließfächerwhich is located a bit in the Takeshita-Straße. The atmosphere on the real Schauplatz is amazing.

© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo
© Screenshot TikTok / otakuintokyo

“Jujutsu Kaisen” Scale 3

With the first batch and the prequel film “Jujutsu Kaisen 0” the Macher Millionen of anime fans have come to the Globus. The second batch ended in December 2023 and brought a new direction with: A trio of batches was followed. Dazu was enthusiastic about a short trailer:

“Jujutsu Kaisen” Staffel 3 Ankündigung (Japanese)

In his “Jujutsu Kaisen” there has never been a movie made based on Crunchyroll. If you look at the schedule, it is not clear. We guess that the Fortsetzung will not come before 2025. If it is difficult to understand what you can do with all the time.

Who knows his life with “Jujutsu Kaisen”? Test your knowledge in the quiz:

“Jujutsu Kaisen” Quiz: Who knows the anime series?

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