
Perfect Erholung: Zu dieser Uhrzeit solltest du night tief schlafen

Perfect Erholung: Zu dieser Uhrzeit solltest du night tief schlafen

Many people sleep badly. A study says that over time you become a little bit of a schlummer, a night you spend.

Jeder Mensch has its own Rhythmus and individual Schlafbedürfnisse. But leader schlafen fell people’s heutzutage zu ninig or nicht gutugug. Stress, irregular working conditions or standard behavior due to smartphones can no longer help us.

It can give a negative result. Follow the information for an unsafe situation. A study that has investigated, can have a research on a Wohlbefinden.

Im Video: 6 Lebensmittel solltest du vor dem Schlafen nicht essen

Stanford Study said: Zu dieser Uhrzeit solltest du schlafen

Forschende der Stanford University has examined the data of 74,000 people from the UK Biobank. They contrast the Schlafgewohnheiten of Frühaufstehern and Langschläfern with the total Gesundheit.

During the Forscher party, during Nachteulen, the natural rhythm is followed, there is a higher risk of total tension with depression or anxiety attacks. This ergebnis war is unacceptable.

The foraging work lasts 1 hour at night when the light goes out. Early mornings are generally healthy. If a night goes on, the heart can be healthy.

Study leader Jamie Zeitzer has said that the results will lead to further entscheidungen. In the early morning you will have to deal with sad stories. Dazu has Selbstmordgedanken, Gewalttätigkeit, Alkohol- und Drogenconsum and übermäßiges Essen.

So you can make your own decision

  • A regular break helps your body, so you can enjoy it.
  • Enjoy a rough Schlafumgebung.
  • Avoided bright light and electronic device for sleeping.
  • Achte auch ausgewährung ernährung and regular movement.

Small changes in your health can have major positive effects on your health. With the right schlafdauer you can find the Wohlbefinden and deine Leistungsfähigkeit jetties. Gesunder Schlaf is a heavier Baustein for a glückliches and hereditary Leben. Try to find out more about your time and find success, so that it functions best.

Try a long-term problem solving, do a test with a problem or a problem. Find a solution for a big problem in Leiden, find your Rat at Ärzten and Ärztinnen or at Patientenservice

This article is suitable for FIT FOR FUN.