
Inflation fell at the February 2021 reading by dpa-AFX

Inflation fell at the February 2021 reading by dpa-AFX

(New: Ökonomenstimmen)

WIESBADEN (dpa-AFX) – Gesunkene Energieprijs has kept inflation in Germany at its lowest as the three-year crisis ends. In September, the results increased to the level of the last century at a level of 1.6 percent, with the Federal Statistical Office in Wiesbaden in one of the first Schätzung-mitteilt. Smaller war die Teuerung will be in February 2021 with a rate of 1.5 Prozent.

The inflation rate is a good target for the German economy and expenditure, the paths of the energy crisis and the gestiegener long-term premiums and the Kaufkraft have been lost. Zudem the European Central Bank (EZB) with the inflation arguments for more Leitzinssenkungen. Experiencing that inflation in Germany will remain below the market of the zwei project, while the following years are still moving forward.

Energy prices sink – Refueling more frugal

The main reason for the extremely strong inflation in September was the sharply sinking energy price, which reached 7.6 percent. So what about the summer in the summer – Verbraucher’s work at and a tank stelle. The Diesel and Benzin Prize will take place at one of the positions at the end of 2021. Strom would initially be Halbjahr, which was the Bundesamtberichtet.

Lebensmittel verteuerten sich dagegen in September normals um 1.6 Prozent, während de Preise für Dienstleistungen deutlich anzogen – a Folge gestiegener Löhne. Many parts of the inflation program have a high inflation tax.

Inflationswelle vorbei – aber keine Entwarnung

Schon in de vergangen Monaten is ich der Preisauftrieb abgeschwächt. The Verbraucherpreise was 1.9 Prozent in August over Vorjahrelevel after 2.3 Prozent in July. Zum Vergleich: Ihren Höchststand hatte the Inflation im Herbst 2022 with a rate of a fast new product.

Trotz des Rückgangs in September turned out to be a change in weather: Core inflation fell on the strong declining Price for Energy and Lebensmittel now fell slightly from 2.8 to 2.7 Prozent.

However, the inflation problem in Germany has not been solved, says Sebastian Becker, Volkswirt Deutsche Bank (ETR:) Research. “Core inflation is still bound to rise.” The high debt burden became too great, service provision and core inflation would no longer disappear.

Ulrich Kater, head chef of the DekaBank, has discussed the inflation rates at the Dienstleistungen, which offer a restaurant business as: The top-up at the Dienstleistungspreisen became the inflation rate in the rate of the rate of the Swedish market. This became the price dampening effect of energy prices and the Kraft losses, says Christoph Swonke, economic analyst at DZ Bank.

Weniger Unternehmen wollen Preise erhöhen

The economy is experiencing lower inflation. In my kürzliche opöffentlicht, the herbal remedies are erwarten the führenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute for dieses year an Anstieg der Verbraucherpreise at 2.2 Prozent – after 5.9 Prozent 2023. I come in years, the inflation then now nor at 2.0 Prozent lies.

If any of the active institutions of the Ifo Institutes become woollen or weniger with a higher price. “The business environment changes the environment for the environment, which results in greater value,” says Ifo business manager Timo Wollmershäuser. It is becoming clear that inflation in Germany remains under the Zwei-Prozent-Marketing, the European Central Bank.

Konsum stockt trotzdem

The inflation of inflation in Germany cannot but have the consequences of inflation in Germany. The GfK Konsumklimaindex hardened the Stimmung in September at a low level and that, where the Löhne will be stronger as the Verbraucherpreise and the People will thus have more Money in the Tasche.

The private consumer is the main supplier for the German Economics, which is on the edge of the Recession. There are many people in the money who are on the high side, while the construction is a eigenheim or the konsum, before the economies are used in their herbal medicine. You can make a slight infringement on German economics for a year.

More gaming space for EZB

If the inflation in Germany and in the Euroraum inflation disappears, the EZB game is shifted for more Leitzinssenkungen. Zuletzt sends the Nutbank the directions for further processing with a further 0.25 Prozentpunkte auf 3.5 Prozent. A Börsen celebration with more meaning written in the kommenden Monaten kortnet. Beobachter ratteln aber, ob die EZB schon beihrem nächsten Zinsentscheid in October or first in Dezember.

“One of the main things that has put pressure on the European Central Bank is that the American Nut Bank will run the pointless economies of the World Bank,” said Deka-Chefvolkswirt Ulrich Kater. Zinssenkungspanik sei aber fehl am Platz. A Commerzbank (ETR:) -Chefvolkswirt Jörg Krämer warned: “The EZB is as good as it comes to the Terminmarken, which erwarten the next EZB-Zinssenkung before October.