
Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Shared four-wheel drive – Car sharing is reliable

Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland: Shared four-wheel drive – Car sharing is reliable

Rhineland-Palatinate & Saarland
Shared Four Wheels – Car sharing is a belief

Before you spend more time on your own car before you go out. The car sharing offer was not only in cities. An uninteresting model is given, a self-service is not applicable.

Mainz (dpa/lrs) – Ob Stadt oder kleine Ortschaft – in Rheinland-Pfalz, where car sharing Angebot and the Nachfrage danachst are located. Zahlreiche Communen Powers ich zu dem Thema schlau, reported the beratende Energieagentur in Mainz. It is a concern that is active, but the city works, creating a genossenschaftliche organization. Since a Konzept is from Dauer, it is worth letting the passengers travel, but Dominik Böckling, the energy agent for Thema Carsharing, is a sister.

At the brokerage office is a lottery for alternative Antriebe. If you have information about the community, you can contact other partner partners who offer the Bundesverband Carsharing her. The broker’s customer service is a higher priority in car sharing at Carsharing-Flotten. Deutschlandweit has E-Autos a year later offered the production of Pkw-Flotte cars, at Carsharing-Flotten has been between 17 and 18 years.

Offers in round 60 municipalities

The Energy Agency estimates that a car sharing offer currently exists in about 60 cities or the smallest places in Rhineland-Palatinate – from Alzey in Rheinhessen to Wörth in the south of the countries. Böckling says that in the larger cities of Rhineland-Palatinate a commercial enterprise has a number of establishments and car sharing. A Beispiel is “Book’n’Drive”, one of the others in Mainz and Koblenz is active. When it comes to the fact that the development in both cities is positive, it is so that both locations are used German, man with more Wachstum.

In Koblenz läuft der Ausbau, laut Stadt sollen 2025 all 42 an “Book’n’Drive” vergebene Stellplätze and 20 Standorten bereitstehen. The Mainzer Verkehrsdezernentin Janina Steinkrüger (Grüne) has given car sharing a more important Baustein a night-time mobility. For Florian Wiesemann, head chef of the Mainzer Mobilität, an Ausbau is a gain for the ÖPNV because greater excesses to the knowledge trunk.

“Book’n’Drive” should be an example of the 50 new car-sharing stellplätze in Mainz, in 2025 the city became 200 degrees paintügbar – 100 on private Stellplätzen and 100 in the public street. More fun car sharing vehicles available in Mainz from the “UrStromMobil” provider. Dahinter supports a Bürgerenergiegenossenschaft. “Künftige Vergaben von Stellplätzen seien bereits anggedacht, said Stadtsprecher Ralf Peterhanwahr.

Neuwied: Angebot nicht wirtschaftlich

On land, car sharing Böckling is an option for all active and financial projects. Earn money if you usually do not know what a “zuschussgeschäft” is. Another variant is the Ankermodell. It is about the service time of the Verwaltung or other institutions that support these Zeiten Bürgern zur Verfügung and are located in the Verbandsgemeinde Bodenheim near Mainz.

In Rhine-Ingelheim, car sharing started in 2015 with one of the first years of the “Rabenkopf BürgerEnergie”. Mittlerweile is another problem with the installation of silent vehicles. Actual love conversations for a home improvement, the city together. Dies geschehe auch in Vernetzung with more interest in communities in the region.

The Stadtwerke 2018 in das Carsharing took place in Neuwied. The fact is that swimming is eight times greater. “The environment is stable, in the inner city higher than in the city,” said speaker Gerd Neuwirth. As soon as we are born, we will look forward to it again. “If you see German, the theme of marketing and communication will be much bigger, one of the most vulnerable parts,” says Neuwirth. “Gleichzeitig is clear, that’s Angebot in Neuwied nicht wirtschaftlich ist.” As a communicator, you see man as – wenn auch nur kleineen – Beitrag zur Energiewende.

Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis-war Vorreiter

Trier is a regular destination. Dort is the provider “Stadtmobil Trier” active. It was bought a few years ago, teilt die Stadt mit. The Flotte has been on 33 vehicles and 21 stands for a year, more than 700 passengers and can handle the vehicles themselves and how they have already emitted more than 800,000 kilometers of CO2 in the last year. “The Angebot looks at the increasing Nutzerzahlen and will thus become more welcome in Zukunft.”

In the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis 2019, Wagen went to work with e-mail and the “Elektro-Village Car” project was released for a year. The observations would have affected the district administration. Eight E-Village Cars drive on 527,000 kilometers and more than 10,300 individual hours have come. By and large, 51 kilometers are driven back per booking, 1.23 Mal is a vehicle in the cut per day is booked. Zahlreiche Nutzer has received the feedback, if he has bought his own electric car parts or will be examined, he will be in a district assessment of 2022.

Circle of interest for E-Models

We will follow the next projects in the Kreis Mayen-Koblenz or in one of the small towns. In the Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis a follow-up project “E-Dorfauto 2.0” was launched, while the active two vehicles were deployed in Bickenbach and Büchenbeuren. Another four E-Dorfautos will be stationed in the Kreis zufolge Boppard. Initially, more municipalities have reported. “There are long delivery times for the used E-kombi models, which entail significant costs for the implementation of the project that is part of the project.”

There are several arguments for car sharing, said Böckling of the energy agency. A solcher Stritt must go over the jewels. “If the implementation is completed, a project has started, when it is completed, “burned earth” can no longer be welded and the topic as little as possible in naher Zukunft can no longer be.”