
New Zeitschrift «healthy & smart» with 31 Brainfood Recipes for good Hiring Leistung

New Zeitschrift «healthy & smart» with 31 Brainfood Recipes for good Hiring Leistung

Betty Bossie

New Zeitschrift «healthy & smart» with 31 Brainfood Recipes for good Hiring Leistung

Zurich, September 4, 2024 | Medium lighting

Neue Zeitschrift «gesund & smart»
with 31 Brainfood Recipes for a good Hirnleistung

If you are doing an active activity, this is a problem, which can have a positive effect on the functioning. If you have an idea of ​​how to work best and how to do it, you can look at the Felix Platter Foundation and Betty Bossi in a new magazine “good and smart”, which keeps the costs quite high.

The personal handling can be positive on the alternative processes in the meantime. The effort of the fitness and training programs is one of the alternative medicine of the university FELIX PLATTER.

“The erasure of knowledge in cognitive fitness and the investigation of machines with that theft for the practical Everyday utility bar”, explains Prof. Dr. Reto W. Kressig, Ärztlicher Director of the University Alternative Medicine FELIX PLATTER and Foundation Council of the Felix Platter Foundation. After the big article of the magazine ‘healthy and powerful’, which is on the muskel-like basis, one can imagine that the fresh and smart ‘healthy and smart’ is now on the geistige fitness.

The old men of Betty Bossi love to experience an optimal geiste, but also a few good fitness solutions. If you make a decision about the weight, you can think of the following things: a good idea in the menu plan or in the well-considered use of the gesundheitsförende secondary plant substance available. And for everything, who Brainfood sins and integrates into his own Alltag, can.

Das Rezeptheft enthält 31 Recipes for Frühstück, Snacks, Salad and Mains.

Bezugsquellen for the Rezeptzeitschrift «gesund & smart»

Het Rezeptzeitschrift met kostenlos von SWICA, Alzheimer Schweiz, Felix Platter Stiftung voor Forschung und Innovation und der Universitaire Alternatieve Medizin FELIX PLATTER vertrieben.

Further information, See the download link for the digital version of the recipe book and the title page (d/f)

Media contacts

Beatrice Hofmann, Leiterin Marketing und Kommunikation Universitäre Altersmedizin FELIX PLATTER, Tel. +41 61 326 41 66, [email protected]

Viviane Bühr, Leiterin Unternehmenskommunikation Betty Bossi

Phone: +41 44 209 19 73, [email protected]

About the Felix Platter Foundation for Research and Innovation

The soul of the Felix Platter-Stiftung is, Beiträge zur erhaltung der körperlichen and geistigen Gesundheit von betagten Menschen zu leisten, the following des Alterungsprozasses abzumildern anyway that einfach and understanding about the new wisschaftlichen Erkenntnisse in the Altersmedizin see inform.

Betty Bossi – The Only Way to Genuss

Betty Bossi is the former Swiss Culinary Company. From 1956, the fictional kitchen and culture figure Betty Bossi started on the lonely path to the lineage – with simplicity and linguized recipes, clever kitchen helpers and innovative food products.

Betty Bossi, Division der Coop Genossenschaft, Baslerstr. 52, Postfach, CH-8021 Zurich