
Wochenendwetter in Hesse with Gewitter, Starkregen and Hagel

Wochenendwetter in Hesse with Gewitter, Starkregen and Hagel

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If Saturday is not yet in the summer in Rhein-Main, but I see a strong Gewitter on. Locally hurricanes and hail can be expected.

Update from Samstag, August 24, 8:58 PM: The Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) first warned about the grim Gewittern in Hessen. In the following districts it is possible that Gewittern with storms, storms and hail will occur:

  • High time travel
  • Main-Taunus-Kreis
  • District of Greater Gerau
  • Wiesbaden
  • Rheingau-Taunus district

The warning gilded effect until 21:30. It can last longer and last longer. If the white is the best way to escape during the Blitzschlag, you can perform the re-absturzen and the rapid overflutungen.

First report on Samstag, August 24, 1:29 PM: Offenbach – In Hessen, the summer temperature is one of the weather conditions with illegal and German cooling. The Deutsche Wetterdienst (DWD) with Sitz in Offenbach predicted the temperature on Saturday (24 August) at 34 degrees, before the Gewitter-drohen.

Schwüle Luft über Hessen brings an Abend intense Gewitter

“With a positive flow depending on the environment and the quality of life in Hessen, which means that the weather tends to be better”, the statement of the DWD reads. „In the night the Kaltfront is a northern part of the eastern region.“ In the night the Sonntag aber mit Regenschauern and heavy Gewittern zu rechnen. It is best to use the power of Hail and Sturmböen, where you can use the hurricane-artige Böen. Vereinzelt can Starkregen with its 30 Liter pro Quadratmeter cases.

Wochenendwetter in Hesse with Gewitter, Starkregen and Hagel
On Saturday evening (24 August) I see clouds and it can be heavy locally. © Rolf Poss/imago

The rain shower and the whiter were during the second half of the night after the welding and the northern part looked. The Sunday was by the Meteorologists heather and without lower winds at high altitudes up to 23 degrees. The beginning of the new beginning of the process: it will happen and the temperature will not be higher than 25 degrees. First on Sunday it should be warmed up to 25 degrees again. (Anki)

Besonders unangenehm op 34 Grad: Treppensteigen. In a Frankfurter Wohnhochhaus, the Fahrstühle is nothing more. Das Haus hat 18 Stockwerke.