
I have bought: So I have already taken in 90 kilos

Leah Mancuso hat in two years weighing 90 kilograms.

Leah Mancuso hat in two years weighing 90 kilograms.
Lauren Hansen/Tara Dunn

Leah Mancuso hat in two years and 90 kg weight loss, indem she is healthy and healthy and healthy.

Mancuso stellte ihre Nahrung von Fast Food und Tiefkühlkost auf minimal verarbeitetete Mahlzeiten um.

I would also like to eat eggs, cottage cheese bowls, sausage sandwiches and sausages with cartons.

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When Leah Mancuso began Abnehmen in March 2022, she passed by. You can wait a few minutes before going home for a minute. Time began in the 35th century in Scottsdale, Arizona, when time began. For two years, the photos have been abducted 90 kilos.

Make sure Mancuso has a high level of Fast Food and Deep Fry. If you cook, you will find that it will never work again. “I am looking for a mid-day meal, possibly a little more work to eat. I think it is, it is light, but it is not such a good thing,” said Mancuso in conversation with Business Insider.

Let also

I have acquired 48 kilos: I have eaten 2 things, I am healthy enough to exercise and exercise regularly

So make a new Grundnahrungsmittel with Hüttenkäse-Bowls and Hühnchen with Kartoffeln for themselves. “Viele sehr einfache Dinge, aber ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich wenigstens real Lebensmittel esse”, so Mancuso.

If you are concerned about the problem, you can solve extremely many life problems and a problem with general problems. Forscher is neither black nor safe, where this conjunction lies. The 35-year war would be caused by those events. With that focus it is 90 kilograms abzunehmen.

Leah Mancuso fühlt sich mittlerweile stood out in her Körper.

Leah Mancuso fühlt sich mittlerweile stood out in her Körper.
Lea Mancuso

1. Wipe with eggs

The first Ernährungsumstellung, the Mancuso im Marz 2022, war der Verzehr von Eiern. Diese since mittlerweile zu ihrem Lieblingsfrühstück has become. My favorite combinations are:

  1. Rühreier with Käse and Hüttenkäse, with Obst as Beilage
  2. Spiegeleier, ebenfalls mit Obst als Beilage
  3. Pochierte Egg on Sauerteig Toast

If you have a healthy diet, the vitamin B vitamin, vitamin and vitamin A supplement is added.

2. Cottage cheese chips for protein

“I have fast jeden Tag Hüttenkäse gegessen,” said Mancuso. Manchmal is the hut greenhouse pure, manchmal mixe is one of the few, yogurt-tähnlichen Konsistenz. “I would add some fresh maple syrup and add some aromatic protein powder, but more protein will be added,” says Mancuso. Danach is muesli and obst darüber.

Cottage cheese is naturally rich and high in protein and low in calories, if a man uses a healthy version and the average lifespan is a renaissance.

3. Offene Sauerteig sandwiches against hunger

Mancuso said it was Sauerteigbrot. These substances are rich in natural substances and in all kinds of products that can also contain other types of breads. You like to layer the slices with combinations such as:

  1. Salami, cheese and pesto
  2. Marmalade, Schinken and Ziegenkäse
  3. Thunfisch mixed with mayonnaise and cottage cheese and topped with essiggurken.

4. Hähnchenstreifen with Kartoffeln

There is no problem, but the man can’t use deep fried. So the Mancuso is a fan of deep fried organic chicken strips. Normally you serve them with a potato, which is cut into the cake, sprinkled with avocado oil and garnished in the deep fryer.

The 35-year-old gibt zu, dass sie kein großer Fan von Gemüse ist, aber Diätassistenten und Ernährungswissenschaftler empfehlen in Allgemeinen, a Teller with 50 Prozent Gemüse, 25 Prozent Eiweiß and 25 Prozent starkehaltigen Kohlenhydrateen jijsammenzustellen. If this problem occurs, it could be a man.

5. Nudeln mit Wurst und Gemüse

Leah Mancuso used manchmal eiweißnudeln, ist auch auch ein Fan von Sauerteignudeln, who she says. De Fotografin Power Nudelgericht with Schweine- or Hühnerwürstchen, Gemüse with Brokkoli, Paprika or Blumenkohl and a Sauce with Marinara or Pesto, which is mixed with Hüttenkäse.

When a cottage cheese is mixed with a classic pasta sauce, it can contain more egg and produce a creamy consistency, she explains.

Mancuso does not have all the favorite things in mind

The 35-year war is important, and you will certainly be happy in your own life. If you want to lose and realize your weight, you must stop your weight craving. “I love Speck and I have a Mahlzeit,” said the US-American.

After we had made ourselves, it was essential that we could no longer use this place in the society. “Before I spent most of my time, my fast food is a hole and an alone in my room to essence, and that is one of the grounds that is simply not healthy for us,” he said. Places are closed, the essence of food, when they are with people and in the society. That is the whole thing when you leave.

Unless the original article is in English at Business Insider.