
Hochparterre – Eine Skizze is more

Hochparterre – Eine Skizze is more

An exhibition in the Kunstmuseum Olten with historical and historical handwritings of architects. See the Fragen zu Werkzeugen, Kunstwerken and the Vorstellung of the brilliant Schöpfers.

With a warm heart or a thick filter, with an analogue linear or digital program, male with credit and a large number of images: the voyages of discovery and -skizzen in the Kunstmuseum Olten is one of the best for architects and architects – an augenschmaus. The Exponate is since 50, 100 or 200 years longer, other entstanden first kurz for Exhibition opening. And set the fragments. For example: Why is Markli hanging on the wall and Gigon Guyer lying on the table? «Start again. Fail better. Preliminary drawings in architecture (and art)», so the somewhat sperrige titel der Ausstellung. A lobe of the Scheiterns? One of the Walls: historical manuscripts from the British ‹Drawing Matter Collection› and the archives of the three Swiss Architectural Colleges. In this way: Skizzen von über 50 Architectural processes, which you have assigned to a vulnerability – “Zeichnungen, which are used to support architectural processes”, and not larger than A3. Im Fall by Gigon Guyer is the process that a Weile hair is, and has been Skizzen in the Kirchner Museums since 1989. With Peter Märklis Fassadenzeichnung from 1982 he traveled to his next Anfängen. They are related to Blättern by Edwin Lutyens and Karl Moser. Power that Tatsache, that Märkli-Zeichnungen were traded, sie zu Kunstwerken? When the Skizzen on the Tischen, or the Kirchner Museums, the Werkzeuge bloom? And who is the Unterschied? An architectural analysis that takes twice as much time, the Ausstellungsmacherinnen and -macher wrote: «the Aneignung der Wirklichkeit and de Produktion der Welt». Zeichnen also hilft at Sehen and at Schöpfen. And if you don’t mind, spare a little bit of the Realization of the Entwurfs. Pier Vittorio Aureli writes in the collection catalog: Since the Renaissance, since the ‹disegno› is not a single notation, without any definition…