
Winterzauber auf dem Teller -Inspiration for the Rauhnächte

Winterzauber auf dem Teller -Inspiration for the Rauhnächte

I am a high summer and the frozen ones are thinking about the winter season… but it is clear that the new book “Das Kochbuch für die Rauhnächte” by Patrick Rosenthal am September 17 i am riva Publishing and sort a winter magic on the counter.

The Rauhnächte has its historical origins in pre-Christian, German and Celtic Bräuchen. Schon zu jener Zeit galt der Zeitraum vom 24. Dezember bis zum 6. Januar als een Zeit der Discussion, Cleaning and of the Transitions in the new yearThere are stories of a renaissance and a return to trend.
This book with 144 illustrated pages of the Soul, the Body is the best choice to see. When these errors occur, the lessons are carried out in self-reflection, enlightenment and the new direction of life and the undoing of breathing.
Patrick Rosenthal Presents a large selection of recipes for every Mahlzeit of the day – from a powerful smoothie in the morning to his memorable teas in the evening as well as strong soups and eggplants. There will be a lot of research during the programming, tips and exciting information about the bed meanings and rituals of the Rauhnächte.

Title: Das Kochbuch für die Rauhnächte
Recipe and ritual for the self-holy night
Date of issue: 17.09.2024
Publisher: Riva
ISBN: 978-3-7423-2715-4